period pain

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THIS IS A GIRLS ONLY CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!! BOYS ARE TO LOOK AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

random bitch: *grabs out a piece of paper* dear mother nature, thank you for making me naturally beautiful 24/7 and proving to the world that i don't need to be smart to succeed. thank you for putting me through minimum pain and preventing blemishes. thank you for treating me like i own the universe because we both know that someday i shall.

me: *grabs the letter to mother nature and reads it* HEY, MN! looky over here!!! RB thinks she's the top dog and you praise her as your queen!

mother nature: *cracks knuckles* well i should probably change that, shouldn't i?

me: *nods deviously*

random bitch: *withers up in pain and becomes fugly with more blemishes then there is crators  on the moon*

mother nature: here you are RB! this is puberty and period!!!!!!!!! you're stuck with puberty until you're 16 and period will be your best friend until you're too old to have children!!!!! i gave you the type of friends who like to visit as frequently as possible and leave a huge mess!! have fun darling!!!!!!

random bitch: WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me: *realising that i'm in the same position as RB and starts sprinting for my life*

mother nature: *shooting bolts of puberty and period everywhere making it impossible for me to escape*


A/N: sorry that i haven't updated as frequently as i should have been. school tends to get in the way. this chapter basically explains my life. consistently backstabbed. i know this chapter didn't get too involved with the whole girly shmirly thing but apparently just the word period is enough to disgust some boys. OMG!!!!! THE OTHER DAY I HEARD THE STUPIDIST THING EVA!!!!!!!!! ONE OF THE BOYS IN MY PDHPE CLASS ASKED "WHY CAN'T GIRLS JUST HOLD IN THEIR PERIOD LIKE WHEN WE URINATE?" THE . . . MOST . . . IDIOTIC  . . . THING . . . I'VEEVERHEARD!!!!!!! peace out miniture earthlings!!!!!


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