Chapter 6

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We were still in the car. It was so silent in the car that it was oddly comfortable. I was still kind of shaking after what almost happened.

"T-thank yo-you" I said but it was more like a whisper. Harry turned his head to look at me. He gave me a small nod. 

"We're almost there" he mumbled to me. After a few more turns we arrived to our destination. "Zayn is a good friend of mine. His wife Perrie is really sweet so you don't need to worry about her" he said shutting of his car. I tried to unbuckle my seat but it was useless cause my hands were shaking way to much.

I heard my side of the car open and Harry's hand sticks through and unbuckles the seatbelt for me. I mumble a thank you to him before him helping out of the car. We walked up to the door and instead of Harry knocking on the door he opens it up without hesitation.

"Zayn!" Harry yelled trying to get this guys attention. "Zayn if you don't get your arse down here I won't hesitate to come up to your room and drag you out myself so you and your wife better have fucking clothes on". He helped me to sit on the chair and I just started to notice that I was limping the entire time.

A guy walked down the stairs and came to where me and Harry were. "What the hell do you want?" The guy I'm assuming is Zayn asked. "Mashallah is this one of your sleepy thingys" he asked making Harry shake his head and laugh. They both looked at me.

"No she's a... she's a friend" Harry said. I'm gonna be honest I'm a little freaked out that Harry brought me to a stranger. "See your getting better at Arabic" he laughed.

"Yeah I've gotten a lot better" he said laughing with Harry. "Ah, hopefully you guys aren't doing haram things". Zayn's wife I'm gonna assume handed me and Harry a glass of water and she went up and hugged Harry telling him a 'hi'.

"Ha-HA you think me and hardy here have something" I say. "Haram things are the definition of Hardy Harold here" I speak Arabic cause part of my family is arabs no all of them. But I have a mixed family. All from different regions, cultures and colors.

They all looked at me in shock cause I finally spoke. "What?, never seen a girl high before". I mumble looking at my lap. Harry decided to inform them in what's going on and what happened to me. Zayn said he'll take a look at what happened and what was in my drink.

Harry carried me up the stairs and into a room and I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume this is a guest room. Zayn enters the room and puts down a bunch of stuff.

"Are you gonna kill me" I asked crossing my arms over my chest "or are u gonna cut me open" Zayn shake his head. "Why's you shakey your head" I said making a fuss. "Ohhhhhh can I touch that" Zayn toke out a tool thingy and some other stuff. I'd probably know what that is if I wasn't busy being drunk.

"Rose, if you dont shut the fuck up. I'm gonna sew your lips together" Harry growled at me. Zayn walked over to me and started to examine me. After a while he told me to stand up. Which I did. I was kinda wobbly and I couldn't stand on my right leg.

"She has a sprain ankle" Zayn told Harry. "He also gave her something really strong. And I'm gonna take a whiled guess and say it was Red" the look in Harry's face was anger and annoyance. You know I'm starting to think that those are Harry's two best looks.

"Why the fuck would he have that fucking drug" Harry mumbled to himself but Zayn answered for him.

"I don't know man but she can't stay alone tonight" Harry's head shot to the direction where Zayn stands.

"What are you implying" I right away cut in.

"Implying, Harry said implying! Wow never have I thought he would say a big boy word" I started to laugh at my own joke.

"I have to take 'that' with me to my house" Harry said getting really annoyed. Zayn nodded. Harry huffed and came up to me and carried me bridal styles. We walk down the stairs and Harry said a 'good bye jay" to the girl I forgot her name.

We got into the car and drove off. I started to doozy off. I put my head on the window and closed my eyes. "You better not fucking sleep in my car" Harry said while keeping an eye on the road.

I huffed like a 2 year old who had her candy taken away. And crossed my arms over my shoulder. I sat up straight and my head fell back to the window and closed my eyes.

"Where are we going?" I asked my eyes still closed. I know Harry's eyes were still on the road.

"My house, now stop fucking talking" Harry gets very irritated fast. I decided not to say anything. We stoped at a read light. And that's when I asked another question.

"How far is you house" I mumbled and started to get very bored. "I wanna go sleep" I say becoming very annoying. I wonder how much of this Harry can take. "I wanna lay on my bed and sleep" I sang.

"I swear, God sent you down here to test me" Harry mumbled to me. After 5 minutes in the car Harry finally arrived to a house in gonna assume is his. And he unlocks the door and walks over to my side. Harry unbuckles my Seatbelt and lifted me up.

"This is the hundredth time you've carried me this way" I said putting my head on his shoulders. "You know what this way is holding someone is" I asked him yet another question. "No, well I'll tellllllllll you. It's a bridal styles. That means I'm a bride and you the groom."
Harry shook his head and contained a laugh.

"I swear I'm gonna sew you fucking mouth shut do you hear me" he's so bipolar. How can someone be so bipolar.

He carried me into his house and he climbed up the stairs going into a room. I'm gonna assume it's his room. He put me on the bed and told me he'll be right back.

"What the fuck are you doing laying on the floor" harry walked into the room and stopped in his track once he saw me laying on the floor.

"I fell" I mumble trying to get up. I got onto the bed and I saw Harry had a change of clothes. He went onto the bed and under the covers. I look at my very uncomfortable clothes. "Um Harry". I mumble.

I hear a groan "what?" He shifted on the bed to look at me. He gave me an irritated look.

I jumped off the bed and stomped my foot on the ground. I'm very annoying when I'm high. "I... don't.... have... clothesssssss..." I said dragging out the S in the word clothes.

Harry groaned and got of the bed. "Can you just shut the fuck up for crying out loud in right fucking here". I stared to walk in circles and yell. Harry went to his dresser and opened the jour and got a large t-shirt and boxers. He walked back towards me and threw them to me. "Can you shut up now".

I nodded my head like a 2 year old. "Where do I change?" I asked trying not to laugh.

"Here" what? No way in hell in changing in front of him. No way.

"No, nope, no thank you. I'm not gonna change in front of a pe-" I was cut off by him.

"Jes I'm not gonna look at you. Anyways there's nothing good to look at" he said shaking his head and turning around and falling to his side.

I was a little hurt from what he said to me. I made sure that he wasn't watching. I toke off my jack and toke of the rest of my clothes. I put on Harry's clothes, which smelt like him. I hoped into bed. Literally hoped into the bed.

"Harry can you sing me a lola by. Pleasssssseeee" I said sing the please.

"No, go to sleep" Harry said in a husky voice. I'm not gonna lie his husky voice is sexy.

"Pwetty pwease" I started to cry. "I want you to sing" I'm very emotional when I get high.

"Fuck, no just go to sleep" Harry said raising his voice. But he continued to talk. "I have to fucking practice for a fucking match I have so shut the fuck up or I'll put that mouth to use" Harry said with his voice raised.

I turned on my side and attempted to fall asleep. After a while of trying I finally felt my system fall asleep.

Hey peopleeeeeee. So I wrote this chapter listening to one of my favorite artists. Wanna guess who?

And the answer is Stevie Nicks.
Anyways. Hope u his enjoy this chapter. Idk I tried to make it funny but I think I might of failed. But anyways have a lovely night or day.

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