Chapter 3 ⚜Meeting the Twelve part. 2

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"How about we just all start over. Welcome miss....?"


"Welcome Miss Valeriana. I am sorry for Tamara and Charles. You see, they are siblings, they do tend to do this multiple times."

"HEY!" Said Tamara and Charles in unison.

"Excuse me for being so rude, I'm Lord Rowe, but you can just call me Rowe." He seemed like a very calm person. (Totally the opposite of Corvan.) A person who can very well keep there cool.

"This here, is Aneeka," he said as he pointed over to a girl with a gun ready in her pocket. This made Valeriana get chills down her spine, and she made herself remember to NOT get on Aneeka's bad side.

As Rowe continued introducing the Twelve, Valeriana focused on all their weapons. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, although she did try and memorize their names as best as she could.

(A/N: I only did this because I wanted to get past Valeriana meeting the Twelve, and I wanted to move on. Back to the story!)

After Valeriana met the whole Twelve, Corvan lead her into the most beautiful hallways ever.

Then, he came up to one specific door and told Valeriana to open it. She had no idea if this was a trap or a trick, but she opened it up anyways.

What was in the other side of the door made her speechless.

"You are so easy to impress"

"Shut up, nobody asked you"

Valeriana was still awestruck, and wanted to ask who's bedroom this is, but before she could even start talking, Corvan interrupted her.

"This is your bedroom, since now you are fifth rankerof the Twelve, and-"


"I don't need to repeat myself, since I know you heard me." Corvan was really irritated because he never likes repeating himself.

"I'm part of the Twelve now?!? But what about Courtney? She must be really mad that I took her position on the Twelve."

"Don't feel bad for her, it's what happens. If someone beats a ranker of the Twelve, they get their position. Those are the rules." Corvan said proudly.

"So...this is my room, and my room only?"

"Yes." Corvan said in an irritated way, because once again, he had to repeat himself. Yet for some strange reason, at the same time he didn't mind.

After their conversation, Corvan left Valeriana to herself, and Valeriana started to transfer over her things to her new room. By this time, she was more calm and wasn't going crazy about her new room.

Hey guys, what's up! So, I know the chapters have been pretty short, and I will try to make them longer but I barely have any internet connection. You guys are lucky I still try to make the chapters, but trust me that once when I have Internet connection then the chapters will be A LOT longer! Anyways, see you in the next chapter. Peace out! ✌🏻️

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