Chapter 14

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I kept looking over at Shaw from across the cafeteria. I want to go over to him and sit with him. I want him to drink my blood again. He looked over at me and smirked, licking his lips. My eyes widened.

"You have to stay away from him," Adrian ordered and I looked over at him with a eyebrow raised. Did he just tell me what to do?

"Why do you say that?" Ruby asked, chewing her food.

"Just because, it's hard to understand. Just please do what I say," he told me. I started to growl.

"If you think you can order me around your wrong!" I sneared and stood up. I grabbed my food and walked out of the cafeteria. I walked down the halls and past classrooms until I'm out of the school. Okay I admit, mabye I took that a little dramatically. But he can't just go ordering me around. Last time that happened.....

I walked to the edge of the shcool grounds where there is a big rock that is flat at the top that I study and sometime eat at. Making sure not to spill my food I climbed up. I set my food aside, I don't feel like eating anymore.

Over at the school the door opened. Revealing Shaw, with of course sun glasses on. Making sure no one was looking he used his super speed to run over to me and jump onto the rock beside me he sat down. His cold skin, so near to mine is cooling me down. It feels nice.

"Hey, what are you doing out here bye yourself?" He asked. He leaned in and whispered into my ear. "You know there are vampires around here." He leaned back, smiling.

"Okay then. I'm out here to eat my lunch because Adrian was being a female dog," I told him. He chuckled at the last part.

"Why was he being as you quote it a 'female dog'?" he asked.

"It's actually the weirdest thing, he told me that I have to stay away from you but he never said why. So I wasn't exactly going to put up with him telling me what to do and left," I explained. He let out a awh of realization. "What?"

"I would tell you but it's not my place to tell. You'll know in all good time. You don't have anything to worry about, cause I got you," he said and slung his arm around my shoulder with a grin.

"What is with you today?" I asked. "Your usually so moody." He ignored the comment.

"I usually get like this right after I eat," he said, licking his lips. My eyes widened.

"You didn't bite any of my class mates, did your?" I asked and started to run through the list of people I saw today and people that are not here or missing.

"Calm down, don't worry I ate from a blood bage," he said calming me down. I sighed with relief. "Speaking of blood." His gaze moved to my neck. I gulped. I wanted to reason with him but I would also have to reason with myself to. I want him to drink my blood so badly.

When I didn't say anything he started to kiss up my neck. My eyes closed. His kisses are cold which counter the extreme heat, it nice. Then if felt his sharp canine teeth reach my neck. I felt a sharp but very short lasting pain as he sank them into my skin.

He started to drink, slowly this time. It feels so much better then when he drank from me before and thats saying a lot. He layed me back so my back is against the rock. If someone didn't know what was going on they would think that we are making out. He soon moved his teeth from my neck but didn't let me up.

"Adrian's watching us," he whispered into my ear. My eyes widened and I tryed to sit up to see but he stopped me. "Don't, it will look to suspicious."

I felt his tongue drag across the bite marks, the marks once again disappearing like he never bit me. He moved off my and stood up. I sat up to see Adrian not far away looking at us. Shaw jumped off the rock and started walking back to the school. Adrian watched him go as he walked into the school, his hands clenched in fists.

Adrian walked over to me, onto the rock.

"What did he do to you?" He asked sharply and used his hand to move my head, revealing my neck. As if he was looking for somthing.

I growled. I grabbed his neck and threw him off the rock. He landed on the ground with a thump. He looks confused.

"There's no bite mark," he murmured to himself, so quiet that I had to strain myself to hear him. I stood up.

"What did you think he was going to hurt me or something? Is it so unbelievable that he may like me or I may like him?" I sneered. He shook his head.

"I can't believe it, you actually like that, thing!" He shouted then turned and walked away. Why is he like this? I thought. Then my stomach turned as I realized something. The silver bullets, him warning me away from Shaw, looking for bite marks on my neck...

Adrian is a hunter.

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