Chapter 15

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"Look at her, walking around like she didn't do anything," a girl whispered to her friends as I passed.

"She's such a slut, thinking she can have everyone," her friend, the well known Jessica London agreed. My stomach clenched, why would they say that? What are they talking about? I thought. I growled under my breath as I passed them. I hard someone approaching me. I looked, expecting to see one of those girls. But it's just Leo. He looks like he didn't get much sleep last night.

"Hey, is what they say true?" He asked, looking hurt.

"What do you mean? What are people saying about me?" I asked.

"Well there is a rumor going around about you are sleeping around with Shaw and Adrian. Is it true?" He asked. I growled, how dare people say that, it's not even true.

"No, of course it's not true. I can't believe you would actually think that," I growled.

"Well I'm sorry! But it sure seamed like it!" He me sharply. I flinched at his tone of voice. He's right. I sighed.

"I know, your right. I'm sorry for yelling at you," I apologized, hanging my head.

"Oh it's okay, hug it out?" He said with a smile and spread his arms for a hug. I smiled and bear hugged him. He's warm.

"The school player and the school slut, sounds about right," Jessica said from behind me. I let go of him and spun around, ready to punch her. But Leo's hand stopped me. Jessica's arms are crossed with a smirk on her face.

"What, do you need someone to stop your anger from getting out of hand?" She asked in a snarky voice. I started to growl again.

"Come on she's not worth it," He whispered into my ear. I calmed down and nodded slightly. He took my hand and led me away, down the hall. I stopped when I got to my locker and leaned against it. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I just don't think this thing is going to blow over quickly," I murmured. He sighed and leaned against the locker beside me.

"I know how you feel, after all of these years I'm still known as the 'player'," he said, air quoting the last part. I flinched when the bell rang. I groaned.

"I have math," I complained. "I'm horrible at it!" I opened up my locker and grabbed my

"It's not that bad, I can help you study at lunch if you want," he suggested.

"Okay thanks, I'll see you then," I thanked him. He nodded with a smile and I returned it. I walked away with my books. Ignoring the whispers as I walked I made it to math class. I walked in and took a seat beside Ruby.

"Hi Ruby," I greeted her. She looked over at me.

"Um hey, look we need to talk," she said. I frowned.

"What about?" I asked.

"You must of heard how everyone is saying that you are sleeping around. I'm sorry but I can't be friends with someone like you," she told me. I felt my stomach clenched again, except worse. I felt a pain in my chest, it feels horrible.

"All because of some rumors," I murmured.

"I am sorry, truly," she insisted but I can tell she is lying through her teeth.

"Fine," I forced myself to say through clenched teeth. I picked up my math book and moved to the other side of the class room. I just lost my best friend, my best friend since public school I thought.

I can feel my eyes starting to tear up but I forced myself not to cry. I won't cry over this, not now, not ever. The teacher started the leason and I tryed to listen and concentrate with no such luck.


".... Asena, hello? Are you listening?" Leo's voice pulled me from my thoughts. I shook my head and looked back at him.

"Sorry, just lost in my thoughts," I apologized. We are in the back library studying. No one is here though other then the librarian.

"Nah, it's okay. I was thinking we would take a break anyways. We have been studying for a good long while," he said and closed the big book with a thump.

"Thank the gods," I exclaimed and sat back into my spiny chair. He chuckled. I started to spin around.

"You want to do something?" He asked. I stopped spinning to looked at him. He has a amused look on his face.

"What?" I asked.

"Let's play twenty one questions," he suggested.

"Okay," I said with a shrug. "You go first."

"Okay, what's your favorite color?" He asked, wriggling his eyebrows. I laughed and answered.

"Hm, that's surprisingly hard to answer. I've got to say in the purple-blue section," I told him, much more complex then it had to be.

"Okay then," he said.

"What's your favorite color?" I asked and leaned my head against my hands.

"Green, easy," he said. I smiled.

We continued to play. The questions getting deeper and deeper. I learnt that Leo's life isn't as good as everyone thinks. When he was little his parents where murdered and they never found who did it. Since then he has been tossed around foster homes. Oh also that his birthday is in a few days.

The bell rang and I blinked in surprise.

"Huh, we've been playing for a long time," I said, surprised. He nodded. I looked over at the clock. My eyes widened. "I missed one of my classes!"

"Eh it's okay, it's just one class," he assured me.

"I probably have to go to my next class though," I said with a sigh and stood up. He stood up as well and handed me the books. "Thanks for helping me."

"No problem, I had fun. I'll see you later," he said. I nodded. Although I don't want to leave I did, thinking of what I should get Leo for his birthday. Because well that's just what friends do.

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