Chapter 3

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Izzy's POV

"Today, Optimus, is the day you fall!" Snarled the scared robot. The blue and red one laid sprawled on the ground, energon leaking out of gaps in his arm. He struggled to his feet and said, "No, Megatron, this is the day you fall!" And with that he grabbed his sword.

The two giant robots-Optimus and Megatron-collided together. Megatron stabbed Optimus in the side, making the leader fall to his knees. Optimus gasped and struggled again, but Megatron held him down. He grinned evil-like and held his sword inches from Optimus' head...preparing to terminate him...

"Izzy! Wake up! It's time for school!" I quickly scrambled up from underneath the covers and gaped at my mom. "What?" I asked groggily. My mother sighed. "Honey, you're going to late for school if you don't hurry!" She protested. "Oh!" I rubbed my eyes and slipped from my comfy bed while Mom slipped out of my room.

Oh no, I thought while I dressed myself. I thought of my nightmare I had woken up from. I shuddered as I remembered the enemies trying to kill each other. Like always, I tried to push it out of my mind, but it didn't work.

And how did I know their names? And why were they enemies? I sighed, heading toward the family bathroom (we have only one in this house). I never got answers to these questions. Of course, I told my parents, but they just insist that they were just dreams. Dreams. More like nightmares that haunt me every night when I sleep. I slipped my tool belt on and placed my medical kit near my bag.

I poked my head in the bathroom and relaxed when I saw no one in there. I guess everyone was dressed and downstairs. I slipped into the unoccupied bathroom and locked the door. You never know when one of your crazy siblings will barge in on you unexpectedly.

I brushed my teeth and hair, then checked myself in the mirror. I tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ear before dashing into my bedroom and receiving my stuff.

Of course, as soon as I stepped into the living room, I knew I was in war zone. Chelsea and Samuel shot past me like they were in the Olympics. Margaret had her earbuds in and was doing her daily yoga. George was already outside, probably waiting for the bus. The bus! On no, no, no. I was going to be late for the bus!

I grabbed a granola bar and my backpack, brushing past my sister and heading for the front door. Chelsea grabbed my leg as soon as my fingers brushed the door knob. "Chelsea! I have to go to school!" I said and tried to shake her off, but he just held on tighter.

"I want to play, Izzy!" She said. I rolled my eyes. "Later when I get home, ok?" I promised her. She hesitated, but let my leg go. I barged out the door and froze in my tracks to see George climb on the bright yellow bus. "Wait!" I yelled and waved my hands frantically in the air as I ran to the bus. But the bus driver didn't see me and pulled away from the sidewalk and down the road.

I let my hands fall to my sides and watched helplessly as the bus zoomed down toward the school, stopping to pick up kids. I thought about running after it, but I wouldn't make it. And my mom already left for work minutes ago. I was stranded. And the only thing I could do was walk.

So I started to walk.

I didn't really know the path to school, but I was confident I could find the route. Right? I sighed. This morning had passes in such a blur, and I wish I would've woke up early. I told myself fiercely to set my alarm clock to earlier in the morning so I wouldn't miss the bus next time. But now?

It was already too late.

Halfway down the block from my house, I heard someone honking. I turned around to see a large blue and red semi truck. For some reason, it looked familiar. The passenger door opened, and a familiar girl my age hopped out. She flashed me a bright smile. "Hey, Izzy! Need a ride?" The girl called. I sighed with relief. It was Amanda!

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