Chapter 12

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Izzy's POV

Luckily (and surprisingly), Ratchet and Optimus didn't have major wounds. Ratchet healed quicker than I expected that day, but he didn't talk to me because he was so busy. I didn't talk to him, either. I had my hands full as well.

Amanda's wound was horrible. We had to call June Darby, it was so bad. While she was on her way, Bumblebee and Arcee left to go pick up Raf and Jack. It felt weird without them here.

It was around close to dinner time when Jack called. "Hey," he said when I picked up. "Hi," I said and cradled my phone against my ear while using my other hand to look at Amanda's leg. "Everything ok?" Jack asked. I sighed. "Ratchet and Optimus are both fine, but Amanda has some pretty nasty wound. Could you do a favor for me and stop at a store to pick up more bandages? And oh, by the way, your mom is coming over to help me with Amanda," I said.

There was movement on the other side as Jack shifted. "Ok," he said. "Are you hungry? You didn't eat, like, for two days." Actually, I was famished. Food sounded like heaven right now. "Sure," I said. "Maybe you could pick up some stuff for sandwiches at the store? That would be a great help, because Miko and Amanda are starving, too." Jack chuckled. "Ok, anything else?" He asked. "Nope," I said after a few minutes. "That's all. And I want to say thanks, for doing this. It's a big help." "No biggie," Jack said as he shrugged on the other side. "I'll be at base in probably 20 minutes."

"Ok, bye," I said and hung up. After that talk with Jack, and knowing that he's getting food, I felt more confident. "Ow!" Amanda said, flinching as I moved her leg. "Do you have to be so hard?" There was a gleam of amusement in her eyes. "Oh yea, I'm hurting you so badly you're going to die," I said sarcastically. Amanda laughed and sighed.

"It's good to be back at base," she said, propping her head up with her hand. "You can say that again," I said, agreeing. "Jack's coming over with food." "Good, I'm famished," Amanda said and added, "Are you done looking at my leg now? Because you're freaking me out with that medical kit." I laughed.

"Lemme guess-you hate going to the doctors, right?" I asked. Amanda nodded. "I absolutely hate it," she said. I rolled her jeans back down and smiled. "You should be ok until Mrs. Darby and Jack and Raf arrive," I said, closing my medical kit. I pushed it out of the way and stood up, stretching. That's when I realized Amanda was staring at me.

"What's up?" I asked and sat down on the other end of the couch. Flinching, she sat up and sighed. "It's just...I'm worried about Optimus," she confessed. I smiled and patted her arm. "He'll be ok. He's been through worse than this," I said. Amanda just nodded.

"Izzy!" Ratchet called me. I rolled my eyes playfully to brighten the mood and said, "Be right back." Then I jogged over to Ratchet. He was resting on the berth bed after fixing up Optimus. "So," I said, drawing the word out and leaning over the railing. "What do you want?"

Ratchet looked up at me and stood up, then walked over to this computer. I followed him. "I was doing some research and found out about...a third girl that also has a gift. She's moving to Jasper right now." My eyes widened, I looked at Ratchet. "Seriously?" I said happily. "That's...that's great news? Uh, right?" Ratchet shrugged and gestured for me to hold out my hand. I awkwardly did.

Ratchet took my hand in his and raised his other servo. Something that looked like a thick, wide iron bracelet was resting on his servo. He raised my hand and the bracelet flew onto my wrist. "Whoa," I whispered and held it up to look at it. "Cool!" I said. Ratchet flashed me a crooked smile.

"That bracelet is a mini tracking device. Wear it at all times and use it to find the third girl," he said. I nodded, my eyes wide. "Who's the third girl, and what does she look like?" I asked. Ratchet pointed to my bracelet. I fidgeted around with it until I pressed a button. A girl's face filled the screen. She was about my age, with the longest hair I ever seen. She was also pretty for her age, with dark brown sparkling eyes. But the most unusual thing about her was her hair.

It fell over her shoulder and I'm pretty sure all the way to her calves. Her hair was also like a shimmering brown river. I actually like liked that style. Maybe I should grow my hair out...not. "Izzy?" I raised my head and smiled. "Don't worry, Ratchet. I'll find her," I promised the medic. He smiled. A real, true smile. Which threw me off.

"Wow," I gawked at him. "You just smiled!" Ratchet kept his smile on his faceplate and shook his helm. "Izzy, I have to admit-you're the best charge ever." I found myself grinning. Ratchet raised his servo up and I climbed onto it and then up into his shoulderplate. When I was comfortable, I threw my arms around his helm.

"Ratchet," I said and smiled. "You're the best guardian a girl like me could have." Ratchet's smile spread. Ans then I asked, "Dies anyone else know?" Ratchet shook his helm. "The Autobots know, but not your friends. You're going to have to tell them about that," he said. I nodded. "Jack and Raf should be on their way," I said, and as I spoke, a loud roar filled the base. Surprised, Bulkhead jumped back as a yellow-and-black muscle car zoomed by. It's tired screeched as it skidded to a stop. Behind it, a motorcycle flashed by and skidded way to fast across base.

Raf, Bumblebee, Jack, and Arcee has arrived. Jack tugged the helmet off his head and jogged up the stairs toward the human area, a grocery bag in his hands. I glanced at Ratchet. "I take that back, here they are now," I said. I hugged the side of his helm one more time before jumping back on the catwalk and jogging over to Jack. He turned to me, surprised.

"There you are! I was looking for you," he said and handed me the bag. "I hope you like PB and J, because that little meat shop in the store was closed," he said. I smiled as I looked inside the bag. "Thanks!" I said and bumped his shoulder playfully. "I'll make one for Amanda. And make sure she doesn't move too much," I said as I headed over to the desk. Jack nodded and plumped himself down beside Amanda. She happily smiled at him.

"Will she be ok?" Raf asked me from behind. I turned around in my chair and nodded. "She'll be fine," I said. "Just...don't look at the wound, K?" Raf flashed me a crooked smile and pulled some paper plates out from the grocery bag. He started putting the sandwiches I made on the plates.

Some minutes later, everyone had a sandwich and were happily munching away. I bit into mine, the peanut butter and jelly oozing out. Me and Raf sat crossed-leg on the ground. I chewed, then swallowed and out my sandwich down. "Guys, I have to tell you something...," I said. I began explaining about the third girl with the gift, and how we need to bring her to base like Amanda had done to me. " I'm going to need your help finding her," I finished. Amanda nodded.

"What's her name?" She asked. I held up my wrist and pressed some buttons. "Briar Summers," I said. Amanda smiled and took a bite of her sandwich. After chewing and swallowing, she nodded and said, "Count me in on the search." "Me, too," Jack piped in. Shyly, Raf nodded. "Me three," he said. I smiled. "Ok then," I said, picking up my sandwich. "Let the search for Briar Summers begin."


Hey guys! Guess just finished the second book of the Counting Series. Congratulations! However, this series isn't over yet. The next book-Counting Troubles-I'll be working on soon. More info will be on the next page :3 and I hope you liked this book. If you're one of those people who read this completed book and was confused, then I suggest reading the first book of my series-Counting Symbols. But if you're one of those people who read my first book, I want to thank you for being interested in them! And for all you, I want to thank you for taking your time out of your day to read this :3 I'll see you guys later in my next book! Oh, and heads up! Counting Troubles is the last book I'll be writing in the Counting series. My friend will be taking over the series from there. In fact, her book is already out, Counting Stars. More info in Counting Troubles! And check the next page if you're interested in the third book :D


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