Chapter 1 Love Letter

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A beautiful girl walks down the hallway, carrying a cute and bubbly smile on her face and suddenly she change the mood of everyone that she pass by. All girls feel both admiration and animosity towards her and all the guys wants to date her. A wind rushed to aisle and a huge flying object will hit the girl and suddenly, a prince came out of nowhere and save the her and they live happily eve-wait,wait, WAIT! 

"What's with your story, its crazy, a wind in the corridor? and what is with that huge flying object? and seriously, you just save her from whatever flying object that is and you already live happily ever after?" The girl shifted her eye glasses as she criticize her friend story. "Atleast you did not react when I compliment her" the tall girl retorts, "duh, I was one of those who feels animosity towards her" The girl with glasses said. "What did you say? well whatever, let's head to the class now, break is almost finished, I need to be there before she got back" The tall girl said with a huge smile on her face. Sigh. One day, you'll notice me too. She unwillingly follow her friend to their classroom.

My name is Pie, I'm currently on my second year in college with my long time bestfriend KIm, who is the love of my life but right now, yes only right now, she just see me as her bestfriend. She's crazily in love with that tall girl with an annoying smile, whose a year younger than us but looked matured, well whatever not that I care about her, but if I will gonna compare myself to her, the only advantage that she has is she is taller than me again not that I care, I look younger from my age even though I wear glasses, I admit that I am moody but who knows what the real attitude that girl has. Still, I lack the confidence to tell her what I feel, since I am afraid of her answer but I already thought of a great plan, She is the one who will confess to me. Get ready Kim.

"Pie? PIe? are you listening?" Kim asked, "No, I mean yes, I just finished my inner monologue, what are you saying?" PIe said, "Your what? I thought you're listening! Pie I'm worried, ten more minutes and the Professor will show up and Yam's still not here." KIm anxiously said.

There it is, Yam, that girl that I don't want to talk about, I don't want to badmouth her to Kim, but I can't help it, I don't like her. Tss.

 "She's probably with her boyfriend, or she and her friends were probably skipping class" Pie said, uninterested to the topic. "Crazy, Yam does not have a boyfriend and She won't skip class" Kim said. Instantly Yam showed up with the same big smile that Kim loves, she and her friends were giggling and Kim can't help but smile to, she is so cute.

 Yam together with her friends Fern and Jane, The three of them were all tall, pretty and model-like girls, They were very popular in the university, Fern is the school Idol, she pose as the muse in the last year' sports festival and gained more popularity, after that she became the school's ambassador to get publicity within the other cities. Jane is a model, she poses for different line of clothes as well as being a runway model, she also have local commercials of beauty products and shampoo's. Unlike the other two, Yam refuses to be a model or an idol, the moment she got in to the university she gained popularity since her family owned many different business in the city as well as the biggest sponsor of the school but with her beauty and down-to-earth personality, she earned popularity by her own.

"They were almost late and they can still gigle and smile" Pie murmurs "You were just jealous that everyone is looking at them especially your girl" Puey said with a wink "Stupid, why would I want anyone's attention" Pie defends herself "So you only want her to look at you" Puey teases her. Pie blushed and hit Puey's shoulder because of teasing her. Puey is her and Kim's friend along with Nerd, Puey is a gay guy, while Nerd is literally a nerd. they got close since first year college.

Pie is about to avert Kim's attention from Yam when the professor came in. 

Finally, the class is over, I wonder what can we do today. Pie thought.

"Pie, Let's go" Kim said as she stand, "Huh wait Kim, Go where?" Pie hastily fixed her things and follow Kim. "Why are we heading to the library, I don't recall the Professor saying that we have an assignment" Pie continues to ask Kim, but when they got in, she understand the reason. Oh great, were stalking her now, "hush Pie, this is now my chance, she is alone and there is  not much people here in the library, maybe I could talk to her or even get her number!" Kim happily explained. 

Kim said to herself, Okay Kim, this is the moment that you've always wanted, prepare yourself, Currently Yam is in the section of Foreign Literature, there is no other people in there so I'll go pretend looking for a book and bump into her. One, two, three, Here I go, "Oh, I'm sorry, Are you alright?" Yam asked,  I can't believe Im the one who fell down, I didn't know she was so strong, Ouch, It kinda hurts, wait, what am I thinking, wow she is so pretty from up close. "Hey, Are you okay? you don't looked good, can you get up?" Yam worriedly asked.

Great, I can't speak, I can't move, my heart is pounding so much and I know I'm blushing too much, why out of all times this should happen, I feel like crying "Do you have a fever? I call someone now, wait here" Yam said as she get the librarian. "Kim? What's wrong? I saw what happen, are you okay? Pie worriedly asked. I know this will happen but this is too much, is this how much she like her? Pie thought, 

"Ugh,I can't find the librarian" Yam said as she tries to calm her breath, she looked the librarian all over for me, kim thought as she feel herself blushing more and more, "It's cool now, I'm her friend, I'll take care of her" Pie said as nicely as she can. "Really? I feel like its my fault so if anything, just approach me, your name is Pie right? and she is Kim." Yam said with a sweet smile, "Yeah, sure, sure, we will" Pie said. "Okay, I'll go now, Sorry for the trouble, see you Kim, Pie " Yam said.

"Okay, stop smiling there like an idiot and let's get out of here" Pie said,"She know's my name Pie, She Knew!" Kim said with a triumph looked on her face . "So you can talk now? Now Let's move!" Pie angrily said as she rushed through the door, "Pie, why are you liked that?, why are you angry?" Kim asked,

"I'm not"

"Yes, you are"


"See, you are, I'm sorry Pie"

"No you're not"

"I'm sorry My Queen?"

"Silly, who's your queen?" Pie said as she control her giggle.

"Your smiling now, yay!"

"I'm not!" Pie runs to her locker with a blush on her face.

"Oh, what is this" Kim said as she opened her locker, "What? What is it? Pie saw the envelope that KIm is holding, "A love letter? where did it come from?" Pie asked, "Don't tell me.." 

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