Chapter 12 Dream

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Love regardless on who they were in your life whether a family member, a friend or a lover is the same, you can never rate which is higher for true love is all equal.

"Teenager wake up! you're coming with me" Pie said as she pull a sleeping Kim out of the bed.

"What? I'm sleepy Pie, Come back later"

"No way, you're getting up now, come on"

Kim didn't move an inch.

"Not listening to me huh, I'll give you a warning, In my count of three get up or I'll tickle you, One,two,thr-EEiiKK!

Kim wrapped Pie in a blanket as she tackle her down.

"Kim take this off me! you'll ruin my hair and clothes!" Kim continues to laugh and when Pie is about to get out of the blanket she runs off to the bathroom.

"Hide teenager! you're dead if I saw you again! uh! you're so paying for this.

"Kim are you awake now?" Kim's dad said, "Oh Pie, you"re here, come on, go down with me for awhile, we have new sets of wine, try it"

"Ah no, but thank you, Kim and I were going out so..

"No, No I insist, Kim will take long to prepare"

Unwillingly Pie come down after shouting to Kim about dressing something nice.

If this go according to Fern's Plan, I should be able to confess to Kim this day. This is so annoying, why do I have to rely her on times like this? well I suppose that are what sisters are for, This is not good, I should focus in Kim, Okay, First task, Make her go out with me:Check. Next thing, Bring her to Mall.

"This thing is too sour! what is this?' Pie ask Kim's Dad after drinking a wine.

"Really? I was hoping to get customers from kids like you and Kim, too bad it didn't work, but it's a wine right? a wine's is a wine! Haha, people will still buy it!"

Why would teenagers buy wine? I still can't really get his humor.

'"Pie, I'm ready, where are we going?" Kim goes down wearing a white shirt with a black neck tie together with her hair in a gel. Which makes Pie's mouth gaped and stare at Kim looking like a fool.

"What's the matter Pie, do you not like what I look or you like it too much?"

Pie gulped and recollect herself.

"Of course not, I just thought that Uncle has a new son, Kim, why do you look like a boy now? wearing a tie and gel? Pie said as she avoided looking at Kim.

"I got this from Fern, she told me to wear this if I go out, It just happens that you're the first one I'm going out with"

"she totally planned this huh"

"Are you saying something?" "What do I look bad"

"No, but do you like looking like that?"

"It's comfy, so all good" Kim smiled jokingly.

"Well I hope you are ready for today"

"Where shall we go milady?"

"You'll See"

"Ehem, wine?" Kim's Dad ask,

"Were going now bye dad' Kim said as she and Pie walk away.

"What got in to you?, Kim asked, Suddenly asking me to go out, is there something wrong Pie?"

"Can't I just have some time with my bestfriend?" Pie pouts, trying to cover her  real agenda.

"But we were just together yesterday? did the few hours made you miss me so much?"

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