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  Yesterday was amazing.... like very. Me and Harrison had the best time at the party and when we got back it was even better... afterwards we just laid down and talked and slept. I opened my eyes and saw Harrison laying beside me. I smiled to myself. Every girls dream was happening to me. Getting to wake up beside the one I love. I sat up and everything hurt.

"Ouch it hurts" I said tears in my eyes. Harrison woke up immediately.

"What's the matter love" he said.

"I don't know but it hurts my throat and chest" she said.

"You may be sick because of the weather love, it has been changing a lot" he said holding me.

"Maybe but I don't want to move" I said. Harrison picked me up and placed me on the couch.

"There you go love I'll go get you some medicine" he said.

"Thank you Harrison" I said. He left to go buy some things. I just laid there with tears in my eyes because my throat was so sore and my chest hurt when I talked. About 10 mins later Harrison came back.

"Let me take your temperature love" he said. He put it in my mouth and we waited. When it beeped he looked at then showed it to me. It had said 99.8. I was close to a fever but it was more than that. Something was wrong with my voice. I whined.

"This is different Haz my voice hurts really bad" I said.

"How about I make you some tea" he said. I just nodded.

He went in the kitchen to make it. While he did that I went to get my phone. I clicked camera and said ahhhhh and took a picture. I looked at it and saw that my throat was red and sore. I went back to the couch.

"Here you go Em" Harrison said bringing me tea and kissing me on my forehead. We sat there in silence for awhile. I drank my tea and it was good. I just missed the tea that my  Mum made.

"Babe I think I need to go to a doctor to see about my throat" I said coughing.

"Ok love,  we will let's go get dressed we can't leve with pajamas on" he said chuckling.

I went to my room and took a shower and got dressed in some jeans and a tank top with my sweatshirt bc I was super cold. I walked out saw Harrison ans smiled. He was such a good boyfriend. He's always caring and I love that about him so much.

"Come on I got an uber and they're waiting" he said coming to wrap his arm around my waist. We went and got into the car. Harrison showed him the address to the place and nodded.

"I hope there's nothing wrong with your voice love, it's so beautiful" Harrison said kissing my forehead.  I smiled. I just nodded because I didn't want strain my voice even more. It was about 10 mins when we finally got there. Harrison went to go do some stuff while I sat down and waited. We waited for about 20 mins until the doctor called my name. We walked to his office with him. His name was Dr. Smith (idk i just came up with a name).

"Well hello guys, you're here because of your throat" he said. I nodded.

"Well okay say ahh" he said. I did and he looked for about 2 mins. He got up to go get something and walked out the room.

"I'm scared" I whispered.

"It's ok love, you'll be okay" Harrison said taking my hand. We waited and waited and a decade later  (exaggeration guys) he came back.

"Ok we've looked at it and your throat is really sore and you will have to get your tonsils taken out" he said.

"Ok is there anything else" Harrison said.

"Yes the soreness will be gone within a day or two but gurgle salt water, drink peppermint tea, and don't talk loud or yell, keep it at a whisper" he said.

"Okay thank you sir" I said and we got up and walked out. We got int an uber and went back.

"How do you feel Emerson" Harrison asked.

"Ehh" was all I said. Harrison took my hand and I laid my head on his shoulder. We sat there in silence the whole way.

"Love, when we get back do you want to watch a movie or something" he said.

"Yea that's fine" I said. We got back and I went to change into some shorts. I went to grabbed a blanket and sat down beside Harrison.

"Hey Tom is gonna be here late so I told him and he said get better sis" he said. I jut smiled and nodded. We ordered pizza and while we waited we picked out a movie.

"What do you wanna watch" Harrison asked. I looked and pointed to the Maze Runner and The Scorch Trials.

"Those" I whispered.

He put them in and when he was done the pizza got here. The movie played and we ate pizza and cuddled. By the end of the movie I was in tears because Chuck died (who wasn't in tears bc I was). The next movie played and we just watched and I moved onto Harrison's lap. I was getting sleepy but he was watching so I jut kissed him and laid down to fall asleep.


Sup guys?? Sorry for the late update I was super busy yesterday!! I hoped you like it. Plzz vote and comment!! ~Chloe


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