Chapter Twenty Seven.

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Chapter Twenty Seven:-

When I went back home, I texted Axel. I just sat down and waited for his reply.

I started thinking about prom and graduation. Prom's next week, while graduation's two weeks after that. I'm so excited, I'm finally gonna leave this place, move on, start a new life. Make some new friends, be free. I can't wait.

I didn't plan on going to prom, since I have no date. I was going to go with Mason, but then we broke up, so, I'd rather stay at home.

Brooke asked me to go with Alex or go with her and Danny, but I declined. I didn't want to ruin her night with Danny. Plus, Alex didn't invite me, I don't even know if he's going or not. So I just decided to stay at home, watch some movies and eat ice cream.

My phone vibrated and I opened it excitedly, thinking it was a message from Axel. Turns out it was a text message from Alex.

Pool Guy: what are you wearing to prom?

Me: I'm not going to prom.

Pool Guy: why?

Me: no one to go with.

Pool Guy: go get yourself a dress, you're going with me.

I stared at the phone for a minute, is he like.. my date?

Pool Guy: umm, we can go as friends if you want to...

Never mind, just friends.

Me: yeah, okay, sure.

Pool Guy: so, about the dress?

Me: when I buy one, I'll text you the color. Why tho?

Pool Guy: I want to wear a matching tie.

Me: okay.

I closed my phone and threw it on my bed. I guess there's no movie night, I have to go to prom. I took my phone and texted Brooke.

I'm going to prom with Alex. As friends. Wanna go shopping?

I sent the text and waited for her reply.

A few minutes later, I heard my doorbell. I went downstairs to open the door but Adam already opened it, and Brooke was standing there, next to my brother, talking to him.

"Brooke?" I called.

"I got your text, lets go!"

"Woah, woah." Adam pulled both of our hands. "Where are you two going?"

"We're gonna shop!" Brooke exclaimed. "She's going to prom with Alex!" She started jumping up and down while clapping her hands.

"What? When did that happen?" He asked. "You told me you aren't going!"

"Umm... I.." I stuttered.

"You what?"

"Alex invited me." I replied. "I wasn't lying, really. I was going to stay at home, but he told me he wants to go."

"Yeah, they're going as friends." Brooke said.

He just looked at us for a few minutes, and then he said, "you didn't tell me, why did you get drunk? And I heard you cried too, why?"

"Long story." I replied.

"I have time."

"I don't."

I was going to walk out but he pulled me back.


He took us to the kitchen and made us hot chocolate, while I explained everything to him.

"I'm going to fucking kill him.." he glared at the table.

"If your eyes had lasers, this table would've had two holes now." Brooke said.

I laughed at her comment.

"Shut up, Brooklyn."

"Damn.. that's the first time he calls me Brooklyn." She said. "It's sounds weird."

"I have a feeling you guys are going to end up together." I said.

"EW!" They both yelled at the same time.

"See? You even think alike!" I giggled.

They both just glared at me.

"Alright, lets go Brooke!"

"I'm coming too." Adam said.

I groaned, but didn't complain.

Brooke left her car parked and we used Adam's car to go the the mall. We made sure to check the stores one by one. Brooke and I had to buy a dress, and heels that matches our dresses. And when we buy everything, we were going to eat and then go to stuff-a-bear.

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