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When we reached my camp, the young Virgo looked furious at me. I just gave him a weird little smile. And jumped off my sheep. I grabbed his arms and dragged him down the cellar stairs. I opened a pen and pushed him in. I untied his restraints. And closed the door on him.

He stood still looking at me. With an expression of pure hatred.

"You know I didn't wanna take you away from your family" I told him.

"Why did you then" he questioned me.

"I had to, cause I am under strict orders from my parents, the leaders of the Aries."

"Your parents are the leaders?"



I looked at him. And I felt something happen I felt my heart beat faster. So I left, as I was leaving I walked past the cancer prisoners. They all hid towards the back wall except for the cancer girl about my age.

"I thought you would have learned by now that I am scary, why haven't you backed away and tried to hide like the others?"

" I don't find you scary. I find you different than the other Aries." She responded.

"What do you mean by you find me different than the other Aries?"

"You are not like the others.... you seem nicer." She had a weird look on her face.

"You think I am different than the other Aries? Pfft I just brought in a Virgo prisoner."

"Yes but I overheard you, saying you didn't want to take him as a prisoner. See your different then the other Aries."

She was right, I felt bad for the Virgo, he did nothing wrong. But I am under strict orders so I can't have pity for the weaker tribes.

"I can't feel bad for the prisoners, I have to have no pity towards you guys." I told her.

"But you do have pity on us."

She was an inquisitive cancer.

"So cancer what is your name?"

"My name is Ocean, how about yours Aries?"

"It's Paisley."

"That's a cool name. I guess you are becoming friends with a prisoner." Ocean had a cheeky grin while looking at me.

"I suppose, but no other Aries or cancers should know of this otherwise I will personally execute you." I saw a flash of fear on her face. "Now I must go for dinner." I spun around and walked up the stairs to get food.

When I reached the top of the stairs I looked back down into the cellar and saw the Virgo looking at me. I felt my heart flap. I turned around and walked toward the main hall for dinner. I opened up the huge wooden doors and walked over to the table with the other Aries around my age. The group I hung out with are very loud, and crazy. As I sat down Moon screamed at me.

"PAISLEY!!!!!" Her voice was obnoxiously loud.


"I brought back a stupid Virgo today. She didn't even see it coming. I ran right into her with Olly. Olly put a dent into her cow. He might have even killed it." She was jumping up and down on the table.

"Wow that's interesting."

"Hey Paisley did you bring back any prisoners?" Asked blaze.

"Yah I did." I turned to him.

"Wow really, that's amazing. Can you tell me about it?" He asked.

"Blaze, you really wanna hear that boring story?" I cooed.

"Yes" he begged.

"Ok I will. So in the battle field a Leo jumped at me I took off bucking towards the Virgo camp. Me and firebug bashed right into a Virgo he was about our age I would guess. Firebug ended up pinning him to the ground. I grabbed a lock of firebugs wool and tied up the Virgo. I threw him into a pen a little while ago." I felt my heart flutter just thinking about the Virgo.

"Wow that's awesome" blazed exclaimed. He looked up to me. Even thou we were the same age he looked up to me.

"Paisley may I speak with you?" Stars presence startled me.

"Yah sure if you wish star." I turned and followed him out of the hall. He turned toward me.

"You know Blaze likes you right?" He questioned me.

"I-I-I had no idea." The question came to me by surprise.

"You and him will probably end up being partners unless you like a different person. Which you don't do you?"

"Right now star I don't like anyone."

"Okay well that's interesting. Just think about Blaze thou. He is perfect for you." Star smiled at me. He was doing this for a reason.

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