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"Okay I like......... You Paisley I like you." Spirit told me. I felt my heart miss a beat or two.

My mouth dropped open and I saw the ground rush up to my face. I felt something grab me before I hit the ground but I couldn't see anything.

Paisley your okay. Your okay, Paisley please respond.

My eyes fluttered open and I noticed that I was being held by Spirit. His eyes were staring into mine and I felt my heart leap.

"I like you too." I whispered. I saw his eyes light up.

"You like me?"

"Yes of course I like you Spirit. You are so sweet and kind and amazing,"

"Paisley I liked you when I first met you. In the battle field I saw you and I didn't know what to think but I felt my heart pound. I didn't know that it was love..."

I reached up and ruffled his brown hair. I know this was so wrong but I liked him, I liked him a lot. He helped me get up to my feet. I leaned on his shoulder and looked up into his bright blue eyes.  He was starring back into my eyes. He smiled, his smile made me have butterflies. I started to laugh cause it felt as thou nothing could go wrong. We sat under the starts till it was almost 5:00. I looked up over at him and rested my head in his lap.

"What are we gonna do about us being in different tribes?" I asked him.

"Paisley I actually don't know...."

"Do you wanna meet here every night?"

"Paisley isn't that dangerous?" He asked.

"Yes it sorta is.... But I wanna be with you."

"And I wanna be with you too. Paisley I love you...."

"I love you too Spirit."

"I am so glad." He smiled a goofy little grin that melted my heart.

"It's almost sunrise." I sat up. "We should probably be getting home." I got up and held his hand.

"Ya maybe.." He leaned down. His lips only centimetres from mine. I looked into his blue eyes, a lock of his brown hair fell into my face. I started to laugh, and shortly after he started to laugh. We both stood there laughing at each other. I leaned in and gave him a hug.

"Bye Spirit, I will meet you once again tonight same time, same spot." I waved at him and hopped up onto firebug.

I turned and started to walk out of the forest but I saw Spirit standing there starring at me. So I rode firebug closer, till I was about a foot away. I jumped off of firebug and walked over to spirit. I leaned onto his shoulder and smiled. I knew this was wrong but it felt so right. I moved around to face him, he was starring into my eyes. I knew he liked me and I couldn't help but love him.

"You know this is so wrong." I blurted.

"Ya.... But Paisley I love you."

"And Spirit I love you too. Wh-"

"Who cares if this is wrong, right?"

"Ya who cares I love you Spirit and that's that." I bumped my head into his shoulder and smiled.

"I never thought I would end up falling in love with an Aries."

"And I never thought I would fall for a Virgo." I looked up and squeezed his side. "I have to get home now, love you Spirit and see you tonight same time, same place."

"Yes. Bye Paisley I love you too." And with that he turned around and walked into Virgo territory.

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