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I laid there on firebugs back. I felt my red hair get tangled in her fiery red wool. I could feel my heart beating. I knew I was in love, but I was in love with the tribe we Aries are supposed to hate. I couldn't get that Virgo out of my mind. I looked up into the starry night and realized that if I didn't return home people would start to search for me. I got up and untangled my hair from firebugs wool. I made her gallop home until we reached the gates to my camp.

Blaze was standing there staring at me. I hopped off of firebug and lead her to her pen. As I was grooming her wool I heard footsteps.

"Hey Paisley, may I speak with you?" I knew that voice, it was blaze.

"What do you want blaze?" I asked

"Why the hell did you punch me!?" He screamed

"I-I-I am sorry." I choked. "I am so sorry."

"Don't cry Paisley. Please I want you to be happy. And I want to make sure you are ok."

"The Virgo prisoner escaped that's why I punched you because I got excited and I meant to hit the Virgo but I hit you. Then I tried chased the Virgo but he got away."

"Oh well he got away, that doesn't make you a failure." Blazes eyes were shining. "You know I had to tell you something really important."

"Can it please wait for another day?" I asked

"Ummm I was hoping that I could tell you right now."

"Blaze I am tired and I am going to bed you can tell me in a few days time ok?"

"Alright, have a good night Paisley."

With that I turned away and went to my cabin. As I laid on my bed I couldn't stop thinking about the Virgo. He was really nice and I had a feeling we could maybe have something between us. I fell asleep dreaming about meeting up with him again.

For a few days I tried to avoid blaze as much as possible. Until finally it was the night I was going to meet up with Spirit. I got into my cabin at like 10:00 that night and laid still for two whole hours. I looked up and noticed that it was quarter to midnight. I snuck out of my cabin and went to firebugs pen. I opened the pen door and got onto the sleepy firebug. I made her start off slow as we left the camp. Once we were far enough I made her gallop to the meeting spot. I got to the spot with a few minutes to spare. So I just laid down on firebug and looked up at the stars.

I felt a tap on my shoulder I flung up and fell off of firebug. I saw Spirit come around the side of firebug. He was laughing at me. So I jumped up and flung myself at him. I knocked him over. We sat there laughing at one another.

"So how were those few days that we weren't together?" He asked me

"Blaze I believe was trying to ask me out." I told him

"Hmmmm do you like anyone?" He tipped his head to the side. His brown hair flopped to one side and his blue eyes sparkled.

"I do but I can't tell you..."

"Why not?"

"Cause I just can't."

"Paisley what if I tell you who I like then you tell me who you like?"

"I don't know...."

"What don't you know?"

"I don't know if I should tell you who I like."

"What why? It's not like I am gonna tell anyone you know that Paisley."

"Tell me who you like first... And then I will maybe tell you who I like."

"No paisley I need a for sure yes you will tell me or a no you won't tell me."

"Fine Spirit if you tell me I will tell you."

"Okay I like.........."

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