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I knew that Blaze liked me but I didn't know why he was at the border. It seemed as though he was waiting there for me. I sat behind him on fire burns back, but I didn't really pay any attention to what he was saying. I kept my eyes locked of fire bug. I looked up after a few minutes and noticed that we were just coming into the camp. As the gates opened I saw all of my friends come rushing over. I could see their mouths moving but I couldn't hear them. I turned to look at Blaze. His brown eyes turned white. Blackness was seeping in on the sides of my vision. I tried to call out but nothing would come. I looked back down at my friends, they were covered in shadows. I felt myself tip forward and fall.....

Cross-blood, father of Virgo, mother of Aries.
I looked around. It was dark I couldn't see really anything. Until a figure walked towards me.
"Hello" I called out but it just echoed back.
"Hi..........." Some thing eerie replied. It slithered on the ground, coming towards me.
"What are you?" I asked
"Oh I am what happened to you." It laughed. I felt something hit me.
"What are you?" I asked again
"Cross-blood" it screamed. I felt my head start to pound.
"Yes, a cross-blood."

A bright light flashed in my face and I jerked up. I looked around and realized I was in my own room. I knew all that happened must have just been a stupid dream. I looked over at my clock and realized that it was quarter to midnight. I snuck towards my door, and opened it looked around and ran to firebugs pen. She wasn't there, so I just ran out of the camp and towards the place where I usually meet up with spirit. As I jumped over a tree and into the clearing I saw that he was already standing there. I ran towards him and jumped up in to his arms. His blue eyes sparkled.

"Oh Paisley I missed you so much." He whispered in my ear.

"I wasn't gone for that long... Was I?" I asked

"Paisley you didn't show up for a whole week." He looked all worried.

"Oh I believe I was in a coma for that long......."

"Paisley I was so worried about you. And I still am worried."

"I am so sorry Spirit I wish that never happened."

After awhile I got up and told him I had to leave.

"Thank you for this amazing night." I hugged him, I never thought that me and him would work out.

"I love you Paisley " he leaned down and kissed me.

"I love you too." I turned to leave but snuck another kiss before I left. I turned and waved we both went home.

As I was walking I realized that I really loved Spirit and that I hoped me and him could live together, but that was impossible.

I returned to bed and laid down to sleep till I heard my door open I sat up to see blaze walk into my room. He looked at me and smiled.

"You are finally awake." He rejoiced

"Ya... I am awake?" I was trying to be confused

"Paisley you were in a coma for a whole week. I was so worried that I was gonna lose you."  He had tears in his eyes.

"Well I am awake now... What do I have to do?"

"You just need your rest. I have already done everything that your parents want you to do."

"How's my baby firebug?" I asked. I already sorta knew the answer.

"I am so sorry she died right after you fell off of fire burn, but we got an egg from her and the egg was fertilized by fire burn, so you will get a new lamb."

"She died." I choked

"Yes I am so sorry" Blaze came and sat beside me. "But the lamb will be half her."

"It's not the same, fire bug was mine since I was little. She still had along time till she had to retire to become a breeding sheep."

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