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I kneeled down beside Paisley, Spirit got up to leave. I wonder why she chose a Virgo. I knew from the start that Eclipse wasn't mine but I didn't know that her father was a Virgo, and especially the Virgo that Paisley captured then..... She let him escape, I thought he escaped himself but why would she have punched me? She let him escape, this is where they started. I could have changed it, if I just never went to talk to her in the dungeon, she wouldn't have died. I didn't know what to do, should I kill eclipse because she is a cross-blood, or should I just treat her like a normal Aries.

The battle was starting to thin out, most of the groups were hurt badly so they started to retreat. The Aries stood in the centre glaring at all the retreating signs. I noticed star come riding over holding fire burn and bugs leads. I didn't want to get up to grab them so I just stayed where is was.

"Blaze......" I heard Star call. He was coming closer.


"I am sorry, Paisley was a great warrior and she will not be forgotten."

"I killed her....." I blurted out.

"Blaze it was a battle you threw a spear at a different group she happened to run through, it wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was my fault, I killed her."

"You didn't kill her, it was an accident."

"What do I do with Eclipse?"

"Blaze if you really need help, I will help you with her. She needs two parents."

"I don't know what to do, she needs a mother...."

"Eclipse will be fine without a mother."

"Star she needs a mother." I retorted

"No she doesn't, she is fine with out a mother."

"Star she needs a mother...."

"Blaze come on we have to go." He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Paisley.

"NO....NO...... GET OFF......." I screamed and fell back down beside Paisley.

"Blaze you have to leave, we have to get back home." I felt him grab my arm again.

"STAR GET OFF...." I flung my shoulder away from his grip.

He grabbed my shoulders harder and swung me onto fire burn. He tied fire burns wool around me. I glared at him, I was so mad, I wanted to stay beside Paisley. We started to move, I tried to get out of fire burns wool, but his wool was made so then prisoners couldn't get out. I watched Paisley's parents go to her body, pick it up and put it on one of their sheep.

"PAISLEY" I screamed. "I still love you." I dropped my head in defeat. I knew she was gone forever.

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