My Secret Love

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*Authors Note* zazazu- is a term from Sex in the City meaning the way you feel (e.g. butterflies, tingles, giggles) about another person. 

 When I first saw you I felt this spark;

Like a magnetic pull and two pieces that just can’t break apart.

 I wasn’t feeling your swag or the way you came off,

All I was listening to were the words in your heart, 

The rhythm in which it was expressed 

And the fire of passion that had no rest until... it saw me.

If this is zazazu or is this meant to be

Because I just want the truth and not to be made a fool…again.

You see, I know all about the “Let’s just be friends Adage”,

What about lets just be you and me together in unity.

Putting aside our past and future but concentrating on the space we both take up in

This room.

Hand in hand, head to shoulder.

Swallow me up in your embrace and pull me closer.

Another Summer; Footprints in the SandWhere stories live. Discover now