Chapter 7

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The Katsuki's were a rich family, big in business. They ran multiple hotels and hostels, an expensive lifestyle and had a taste for the high life. Yuri was their son, although they loathe to mention it. He was a failure to them, and they'd disowned him for it.
Yuri didn't hate his parents, but he certainly didn't love them. Blood rink doesn't know this.

Victor's POV:

The group in front of him was silent. They had the son of millionaires handcuffed in their base. They could do anything.
"All of you stay here. If Yuri's going to bite, it'd be best if I talk to him"
Yurio perfectly hid a snicker as Victor left the room. The black-haired brat who'd insulted him was gonna get it.

Yuri's POV:

They hadn't turned the light off after they'd left, but seeing was useless if he couldn't reach anything. The door hadn't been locked, and a swift turn opened it, startling him. Victor stepped in, death in his eyes. Yuri swallowed slightly, regret creeping into his mind. Victor walked towards him calmly, too calmly, and sat on the bed next to him.
"Yuri" he began, "tell me something"
"When a dog goes feral and bites the hand that feeds it the animal is put down, correct"
Panic creot into Yuri's mind.
"Well then why are you biting me"
Yuri wanted to cry, scream and pass out at the same time. One wrong word and this guy could actually kill him.
"Im...I'm not a dog though"
Victor shifted quickly, hands on the bed either side of his waist, face too close for comfort.
"That IS true, but...
You're my bitch."
Yuri had no ideas, no thoughts, he was clueless. Victor was right there and that man could kill him.
"You could kill me right now and no-one would care.
Why are you bothering?"
"Hostages are taken for a reason, Yuri.
Threats against enemies, bribery,
Ransoms. Yuri knew he was emphasizing that word for a reason, but...

Yuri started laughing. And not a giggle either, he was absolutely shitting himself laughing. Victor moved back, confusion clear on his face. Putting his free hand on his face, Yuri just couldn't stop laughing. It took few monutes, but he calmed down. Victor, now slightly irritated, narrowed his eyes.
"What's so funny to you"
"You think my parents gove a damn about me!! You actually believe that!!"
Yuri almost started laughing at the shock in the blues eyes in front of him. Victor tilted his head slightly.
"You... Aren't joking, are you?"
Yuri's smile fell slightly, then dropped completely.
"I wish I was"

Victor's POV:
The man in front of him had gone from intimidated and shy to madly laughing to sad and broken within ten minutes.
"I've got an offer for you"
Black eyes changed slightly, scared but curious.

"What kind of offer?"

Yuri's POV:

Victor had his curiosity now. It was silent for a moment before his voice, which still sounded like velvet to Yuri (though he'd never admit it) broke the silence.
"Join the gang"
What. The. Fuck
Yuri was in shock. He spoke without thinking.
"Why would you offer me something like that??"
Victor looked offended.
"For multiple reasons! If you're one of us, keeping you quiet about what you saw'll be easy. Not to mention, how would your parents react to their son being in a gang"
Lights went off in Yuri's head. He'd keep his life AND embaress his parents.
"Wait... What do you get out of this?"
"Your undying loyalty and service"
"Do I... Have to hurt anyone?
"Pffft, no! Newbies never do the dirty work"
Yuri didn't know what to do. Refusing would be death but... Was joining any better?
Yes. Yes it was.

Yurio's POV:
They were quietly whispering among themselves, the group, when Victor and he walked in.
"Listen up everyone!
This is Kat, official newbie"
The black-haired boys face crumpled at the odd nickname. Yurio smiled.
Then realization hit.

Due to... Circumstances"
Boss looked down at Yuri
"Kat here is completely worthless"
Oh look, Yurio thought, Kitty has a voice.
"I'm not worthless, in fact i have full access to my portion of the family wealth.
I just chose not to touch it because it's just as tainted as my parents"

"Heeeeey!" Phichit cheered. "Kitty-cats gonna fit in just fine here!"
Yuri huffed. "Don't call me that!"
Everyone just laughed.

Otabek was the only one to notice the look in Victors eye. Was that......

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