DIY- Wanted boyfriend sign

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^these are some examples of the DIY

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^these are some examples of the DIY

Today's chapter is going to be another DIY because I think you all enjoyed the last chapter which was milkshake recipes.
Today's DIY is a wanted boyfriend sign. You can put your sign all over town and that will hopefully get the word out
that you are single and ready to mingle.
You can also hand out fliers to your neighbors, or go door to door handing out them.
Here is the DIY!

Step one- Take a piece of paper. If you want to make fliers to hand out to people. Make it smaller and more compact, like the size of a regular piece of paper. If you are hanging it on street signs, make it larger so it can be easily seen, also make it a bright neon color so it can be seen.

Step Two- Write out the sign, here is an example. On the sign, write what you would like the boyfriend to look like, dress like, and act like and more.
Wanted Boyfriend
Needs to be: Tall, funny, smart, hot, nice, and amazing.
(Put your name and stuff about you)
Hi, my name is Debbie Dooley. I have blonde hair, blue eyes, I'm a great baker, and have a great personality!
Call me at- (and put your phone number, your address is also optional)

Step three- Put some glitter and decorations and your done!

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