How to tell if hes cheating on you

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Do you think your boyfriend is cheating on you? If you answered yes, then keep on reading! This is the chapter for you!

His phone is always face down. This is so you can't see his phone if he's getting messages or snapchats or whatever from any girls.
Bonus tip- If his phone buzzes and you ask who it is, and he doesn't answer, hides his phone away, or throws it out the window. He is cheating on you.

He's just being downright sneaky. If your boyfriends closet consists of mostly camouflage, he's cheating on you. You may be asking, why? Well he obviously needs that camo for when he sneaking around door to door to each girls house.

He tells you he's cheating on you. This is something that commonly happens to a lot of girls. And they go straight into denial. Here's an example based on an actual conversation I've heard.

Wilbert- I'm cheating on you.
Janice- Oh Willy Wonka, you're such a prankster.
Wilbert- I told you to stop calling me that. And I'm serious about cheating.

If he says he's cheating on you, face facts and leave him.

Always go with your gut. Do I need to explain this one?

Make sure to keep leaving requests!

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