How to flirt part one

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Now that you know he likes you, you must flirt with him so he knows you like him back.

How to flirt over text:

1. Get his number. This is very important because then you can text and call. If you flirt over text, it is easier because you have time to think or ask your friends for help, and he won't be able to tell if you're nervous.

ALSO, DO NOT, get his number from a friend and text him without him knowing who you are. It can be seen as creepy or stalker ish.

Here's how a conversation would go if you did this...

Mary- hello bob ;)
Mary- it's me Mary.
Bob- I don't know any one named that bye you are going to get blocked
Mary- wait-- I need to ask you something
Bob- blocked

So don't do this ^^^

2. How to text a boy. Emoji. Everything. Emojis were created for a reason, ladies! It makes flirting 100000000 times easier. Some examples of good emojis are : 😍💋💜😘💕💞💖😉

Pickup lines. These are also a super easy and classic way to flirt. Millions of lines can be at your fingertips, and all you need to do is a quick Google search. But, to get you started, here are some lines that always work for me.

Are you a whistle? Because HOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Do you have a band aid? Because I scraped my knee falling for you.

Are you an angel? Because you look like heaven.

What to talk about. Now that you've intrigued him with the emojis, and reeled him in with the pick-up lines, now you need to have an actual conversation. Ask him about his likes and dislikes.

Instead of saying, Do you like mine craft?
What are your feelings on mine craft?

If you say it the second way, he won't feel like he has to say that he likes Minecraft. And you can start a conversation about Minecraft! (Note: Minecraft can be switched out for any topic... however there are many mine craft pick up lines!)

Avoid Drama. I believe I have said this before, but avoid all drama/gossip/complain. You don't want to be seen as a negative person, so avoid talking about those topics.

How to keep the conversation going. When flirting, it can be hard to keep the conversation alive, especially if you don't know him that well.

Ask him about his life. Does he have any pets? Siblings? Play any sports? These are things you should know about him! For example, next time you see him in class you can ask him how his dog is doing, or maybe arrange a meet up at the dog park so your two dogs can meet. Or ask him when his next sports game is and ask if you can come watch.

If he asks you a question, ask it back. It may sound confusing, so here it is in an example.

Bob- so what's ur favorite color lol
Mary- Well this is a tough question, Bob. It took a lot of thinking but I would have to go with hot pink and purple. And what is your favorite color, Bob?
Bob- blue hahaha.

The reason that you should do this, is because if he is asking you a question, it's probably important to him. So asking him back will be good.

Don't send random emojis. Here is an example of what NOT to do.

Bob- Yeah I really like fries.
Mary- *sends one fry emoji* (author- for some reason the fry emoji wasn't working right now)
Bob- haha yep that's a fry lol. I'm going to go bye.

What I mean by don't send random emojis, I mean don't just send one emoji with no context.

What Mary should have done was this...

Mary- I like fries too


She could have asked him to go get fries with her

That's all for today's part. The next part will be flirting face to face.

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