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The sun starts to disappear behind the houses, making them look red. I close my purple dress and look out over the city below from my balcony.

'Enjoying the last evening sun, sister?'

I smile and turn around, the boy behind me grins wide, he walks towards me, dressed in purple.

'Mercutio, still here? I thought you would have gone to the party already?'

The grin on Mercutio's face fades away and he looks at me, trying to be disappointed.

'You aren't glad to see me?'

I step forward, still smiling, I look at my brother, whose grin appears again behind his long, black curls. Suddenly he lifts me up, turns around, puts me on the ground again en starts laughing, in a way only Mercutio can laugh. He takes my hand and wants to lead me out of my room, but I pull my hand away. Mercutio looks up, surprised.

'What is it?'

I shake my head and walk towards my bed, Mercutio follows me and turns me around, pretty rough.

'Roselle, what's wrong?'

I shake my head again and stare at my feet, he has to know, but how am I ever going to tell him?

'I-I'm not going, I'm leaving tonight.'

Judging by Mercutio's eyes he's shocked

'Where are you going.'

I take a deep breath, he's my brother, my best friend, but telling this is terrible... but he has to know.



Suddenly I feel a hand, wrapping around my throat and pushing me onto the bed, Mercutio is on top off me. His eyes shoot fire. I grab the hand and try to pull his away, but his grip is too strong.


'No! You're a Montague, not ....

'We are no Montague, neither are we Capulet. We are the nephew and cousin of The Prince of Verona!''

I push Mercutio away, his grip weakened when I said that we were no Montague, I bend over, rubbing my sore throat.

'Please, never do such a thing again.'

I look up, Mercutio sat down on a chair on the other side of the room, he stares at me, angry, but a bit calmed down. I grab my bag, which was next to my bed and walk towards the door.

'Goodbye Mercutio.'

I hear a loud sigh and then a soft hand covering mine, I turn around and see Mercutio, smiling again.

'Be careful, my dear sister.'

I smile and hug him, he softly whispers.

'You can leave right now, father and mother will hate you for doing this, but I support you, though I don't get the reason why your doing this.'

I let go off him, grab my bag again, for it fell on the ground, and walk out off the room, towards the front door. I go out and close the door softly behind me, I look over my shoulder and see Mercutio looking through the window. He waves and I do the same. The music plays, the party The Prince gave tonight just went on, not noticing anything that had happened. I couldn't care less, I lift my dress and start running through the empty streets of Verona.

In front of a big house I stop, it's the middle off the night, maybe everyone's asleep, but it's too cold to stay out all night. I knock a few times, without any response. But after a few minutes, I see a flickering candle through the window in the door. The door opens and in the opening stands a boy, a few years older than I am, with long, blond curls. He holds up his candle and looks at me, sleepy and very annoyed.

'What do you want, it's the middle of the night.'

I look at the boy and smile, I throw my bag on my back and stare him right in the eyes, I know him, but he doesn't recognize me.

'I'm Rosaline, the cousin of The Prince and I'm looking for a place to live.'

The boy seems surprised, but he grins, which makes his face look a bit creepy with the flickering candle in his hand. In the moment of silence a big woman approached through the hall, she stops right behind the boy.

'Tybalt, who is this?'

Tybalt looks up, pretty nervous.

'This is Rosaline, Nurse, the cousin of The Prince, she needs a place to live.'

The woman smiles widely, she pull Tybalt out of her way and lets me in. Tybalt closes the door behind me, when our eyes meet, he smiles, showing his pearly white teeth. The Nurse leads me upstairs, she opens a door at the end off the hall, lights a candle and walk in. I follow her and look around, The Nurse lights all the candles in the room and slowly an beautiful room appears, with a big white bed, with a red blanket on top. A white closet fills almost an entire wall, and next to it, in front off a window, stands a beautiful harp. The first thing I do, is walking towards the harp and softly touching the frame, smiling.

'Do you play?'

Tybalt looks at me, with a hopeful look on his face, but I shake my head.

'I can teach you.'

I look up at The Nurse with a big smile on my face, I always wanted to learn how to play the harp. I walk towards the bed, which is now prepared for a good night sleep.

'Good night Rosaline.'

Tybalt wants to walk out of the room, but I stop him.

'Please Tybalt, call me Roselle.'

Tybalt grins and leaves the room, soon followed by The Nurse, who suddenly stops and turns around.

'Rest a bit, you must be tired. You will have to sleep in your clothes tonight, we'll find you some new ones in the morning.'

I smile and nod, The Nurse disappears and I start to blow out all candles. When I lay down I notice that I'm really tired and not soon afterwards, I fall asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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