::Chapter 2::

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::Chapter 2::

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::Chapter 2::

The days quickly flew by and was now Thursday afternoon as the boy's on the lacrosse team were practicing for the game that would take place on Saturday.

Emily tilted her head slightly and observed the shaggy haired teenager trying to get passed Jackson only to get knocked down roughly onto his back. "Why are you making me watch this again?" She asked the man standing beside her who had a stoic expression on his face. When he didn't reply she scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest, a small pout on her lips as she muttered under her breath. "This is just gonna end badly."

"My - my grandmother can move faster than that. And she's dead." Coach Finstock taunted Scott who was breathing heavily. "You think you can move faster than the - lifeless corpse of my dead grandmother?"

"Yes, coach." Scott said quietly, starting to get angry, his eyes narrowing.

"I can't hear you."

"Yes, coach." The teen wolf gritted out, his eyes flickering to Jackson who had a smug look on his face.

"Then do it again." The coach ordered and watched as Scott jogged back over to the spot. "McCall's gonna do it again! McCall's gonna do it again!" Once Jackson and Scott were in their positions he blew his whistle, "Let's go!"

Scott growled a bit before running towards Jackson and didn't hesitate in knocking him back roughly that Jackson laid on his back, grabbing his shoulder in pain as he groaned. The coach and the team rushed up to Jackson who was obviously injured while Stiles rushed over to his best friend who was breathing heavily. "Scott? Scott, you okay?"

"I can't control it, Stiles. It's happening."

Stiles eyes widened and began to panic, "What? Right here? Now?" He quickly grabbed Scott and started to drag him away, "Come on, get up. Come on. Come on."

The two teens boy's rushed past Emily and Derek who watched them go. "Should we make sure that Scott doesn't kill Stiles? I mean I could practically smell the bloodlust in the air." She said sending him a side glance.

"Do what you want. I'm leaving." Derek said, walking away.

Emily pursed her lips in annoyance watching the green eyed man walk away from her. She glanced back in the direction that Stiles and Scott ran off towards contemplating whether or not to go.

"They'll be fine." She muttered quietly walking away, deciding to head home instead. She figured that if Stiles was smart enough he'd figure out a way to escape Scott if it came down to it.

If not, well, she'd hear about it tomorrow.

The following late afternoon, Stiles and Scott went to the hospital so Scott could check out the half of the body that was found in the woods. The second that Scott left to go to the Morgue to look for the body, Stiles found himself walking around, hoping to not gain any attention as he waited for Scott.

Bloodlust ❖ Stiles Stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now