::Chapter 12::

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::Chapter 12::


Allison sighed softly as she and her two close friends stepped onto the escalator

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Allison sighed softly as she and her two close friends stepped onto the escalator. "Nothing's wrong, I just - I have a lot on my mind." She replied, answering Lydia's question about why she was being quiet. She felt her mind was going to explode after everything she learned last night. Her aunt Kate had revealed to her that werewolves were real and she couldn't get rid of the image of Derek Hale's face from her mind. She was just glad that dress shopping would take her mind off of things.

"You could smile, at least." Lydia said. "Ever heard of the saying, Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile?"

Emily nodded, glancing over at the future huntress. "Anyway, who are you going to the dance with anyway?" She questioned Lydia, already knowing that Allison was going to the dance with Jackson.

"Greg." Lydia muttered and looked over to see Emily giving her a confused look so she further explained. "He's on the lacrosse team."

"Another lacrosse player?" She mumbled, shaking her head and gave her friend a look. "You could do so much better and you know it."

"Yeah, well beggers can't be choosers. And besides he's hot." Lydia said.

"Hey, Em... you remember how we made that bet about how many arrows I could fire without missing and I won?" Allison gave her friend an innocent look.

Emily furrowed her brows, not sure if she liked the look on Allison's face. "Yeah?"

"Well, then you also remember our deal."

"Oh, right!" Lydia exclaimed, her green eyes shining. "You have to go to Winter Formal with someone of her choosing."

Emily sighed, trying to not show her distaste but she had agreed to the terms. "Alright. I'll bite. Who's going to be lucky winner that gets to take me to this stupid thing?" She asked once they stepped off the escalator.

"Him." Allison pointed with a cheeky smile on her lips and Lydia laughed when she saw who it was.

The vampire followed their gaze. Stiles was sniffing the perfume before he accidentally sprayed it in his face and he began sneezing. She frowned, unsure of how to feel about going to Winter Formal. A part of her was relieved it wasn't some idiotic jock but the other part of her was hesitant about going with him and she wasn't sure why. She usually never minded being around Stiles especially since his reactions always amused her.

"Don't frown, Emily." Allison cooed, while Lydia gave her best friend a pitying look. "Someone could be falling in love with your smile."

Stiles caught sight of them and tried to act cool by leaning against the counter while grinning at them and waving at them. "Hey!" Allison had told him to show up at the mall where he would get his chance to ask Emily to the dance since she didn't have a date. He had been hesitant but the Argent girl had reassured him that Emily would say yes.

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