::Chapter 9::

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::Chapter 9::


Emily hummed under her breath as she poured herself a drink. Her eyes flickered to her front door when she heard a knock. Sighing, she walked over and opened the door. "What are you doing here, Stiles?" She asked tiredly.

School had been closed the last two days and they would all be back on Monday. Since the night at school, she hadn't heard a peep from Stiles. Which was surprising since she had thought he would have shown up the next day after telling him that she was a vampire.

Stiles smiled awkwardly, while holding a bunch of books in his arms. He had finally managed to get his dad to let him leave his house, even if it was for a little while. He had wanted to come over on Thursday to talk to Emily but his dad had put him on house arrest after the night school incident.

He would have invited Scott out but he seemed too heartbroken the last couple of days. Which was why he had planned to take him out and get him drunk.

"I wanted to ask you some - well actually a lot of questions." He corrected himself. "You know about you being a vampire. I did some reading and some online research but I don't know what's true and what's not. I mean most of the things that I researched about werewolves has been right so far but I couldn't be too sure about the vampire stuff. There's a lot of myths about vampires--"

Her brow raised, finding it a bit amusing how he could talk so much. She could see his cheeks redden the more he kept rambling. Her hazel eyes flickered to the different books he brought and held back snort when she read one of the titles. "Did you seriously read Twilight?" She asked, mirth evident in her eyes.

"Uh-well it um--" He stammered nervously and she laughed, turning around and headed inside. He felt butterflies in his stomach at the sound of her laughter even if was obvious amusement at his expense.

"Come on!" She called.

He quickly rushed inside but not before closing her door and stumbled into her kitchen where she was taking a sip from a glass cup. "Oh! Is that blood?" He asked nervously, wondering if she kept blood around her or if she had bitten someone.

"Obviously." She answered bluntly. She could practically smell the anxiety off him. "So about the questions you had." She decided to humor him.

"Oh um..." He trailed, thinking about his other questions. He wasn't sure if he was ready yet to ask about the blood situation. "Well there are a lot of myths about you or well what you are."

She hummed in agreement

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She hummed in agreement. "That's true. Well I guess I should start by telling you that we don't sparkle." She deadpanned, her eyes falling on the Twilight book and back to his flustered expression.

"What about garlic?"



"Not true."

Bloodlust ❖ Stiles Stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now