::Chapter 25::

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::Chapter 25::

The music blared as people mingled and danced along to the beat

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The music blared as people mingled and danced along to the beat. Others were drinking to their hearts content.

Emily's green hazel eyes flickered over to the human who was awkwardly bobbing his head to the beat of the music. She took another gulp of the pink drink that Lydia had been serving.

His brown eyes flickered to her, the softness in them evident as he grinned at her. "This party is definitely going now."

"I'm guessing you met them at Jungle." She said, glancing over at the drag queens who were dancing near the pool.

"Yeah. They gave me their numbers after they basically groped me." He mused, recalling how they had pulled him into their group while petting him.

She hummed. He shifted beside her as he glanced around at the people that were dancing.

Emily noticed where his gaze was on and she let out a quiet sigh as she was unable to ignore the feeling she got.

"Screw it." She muttered under her breath. She reached over and grabbed his hand, startling him as she turned to him. "Come on." She pulled him away from the steps, placing his hands on her hips as she wrapped her arms around his neck and heard a slight intake of breath from him. "Well?" She stared at him impatiently.

He blinked a couple times before he realized what she wanted.

"Oh!" He immediately started to sway to the music that had slowed down and there were others also dancing slowly to the music.

His brown eyes flickered to her curiously. He was shocked that she would want to dance. Although he wasn't complaining. But he was still surprised.

"Before you ask, I'm dancing with you because I still owed you that dance from Winter Formal." She muttered softly, her eyes glancing away from him.

He made no comment about the redness that rose from her neck that obviously showed him how flustered she was about this even if her face remained stoic. He tried to not smile at how he was obviously getting to her.

"Alright. I have no problem with that." He mumbled quietly, slowly pulling her closer as the two swayed to the music.

Emily did her best to not show how she was listening to the sound of his heartbeat that made her feel calm for some reason. She found herself suddenly leaning into his touch and was placing her head in the crook of his neck as they swayed gently to the music.

The peaceful moment was gone in an instant when she heard his voice.


Stiles felt her stiffen in his arms and looked down at her in concern. "What's wrong?"

She pulled away from him when she saw a silhouette walked through the crowd of people and she recognized the back instantly. A flood of both fear and hate consumed her.

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