::Chapter 22::

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::Chapter 22::

::Chapter 22::

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The brunette vampire let out a small huff as she walked away from her best friend, hearing what Lydia had said under her breath. She wasn't jealous of whatever the hell was going on with Erica and Stiles.

She had no reason to be.

It wasn't like she actually liked him. He was just a sort of friend to her that... she might care about. And besides it wasn't like Stiles actually liked Erica because at the end of the day he loved Emily.

Okay, she was being a bit petty but so what? It gave her a twinge feeling of satisfaction.

So why did she feel so angry at the prospect of Erica being so close to Stiles?

She sighed, ignoring the feelings that resurfaced as she found Stiles with Erica along with Scott, Jackson, Allison, and Mr. Harris. There was also a guy she didn't recognize but he seemed almost familiar. He was probably in a few of her classes and she just never noticed. But there was something off about him that gave her an uneasy feeling.

Shrugging to herself, she stepped behind the corner as she listened to Mr. Harris giving all of them detention. Emily pursed her lips as she swiftly turned around and walked away.

Only to find herself a few minutes later standing outside the library where they were holding detention. She stepped inside to find that Jackson and Mr. Harris were gone and she sat down beside Stiles who was across from Scott.

"Hey, boy's." She said, amused when they both jumped at her sudden presence.

"E-Emily?" Stiles stared at her in surprise. "What are you doing here?" He hadn't really seen her all day so he was surprised that she showed up here. He subconsciously touched the bracelet around his wrist as he looked at her. He hadn't taken it off since she had given it to him.

"Bored." She muttered, noticing Erica glaring at her and she couldn't help but sending the girl sly smirk before looking at Stiles. "So is there a reason why you were following Lydia all day?" She had gotten a text from Lydia to keep Stiles away from her which confused her since she didn't know why he would follow her around.

Stiles gave her a sheepish smile. "About that..."

"Do you know anything about Jackson's parents?" Scott blurted out, a hopeful look on his face. "How they died?"

She raised a brow. "Yeah. I'm sure you remember who my best friend is, right?"

Stiles sat up straighter in his seat as he leaned closer. "So?"

Emily glanced at them both unsure of why they looked so eager. She knew that Jackson was the kanima but didn't understand why they cared about his parents. She sighed. "It was a car accident." She paused, remembering what Lydia had told her. "June 14th in 1995."

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