Bet you weren't expecting this

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H-Hi. My name is Zahel Deimos, and I was asked to answer these questions about my ehm... Sex life... Let's just get this over with...

Abasiophilia: sexual attraction to people who are lame or crippled and/or who use leg braces or other orthopedic appliances

That would be cruel... R-right?

Acousticophilia: sexual arousal from certain sounds

Deep purrs or growls never fail to turn me on, to be honest...

Agalmatophilia: sexual attraction to statues or mannequins or immobility

A-all three things thurogly freak me out

Algolagnia: sexual pleasure from pain

O-only a little, to be honest... Very sensitive, you see...

Amaurophilia: sexual arousal by a partner whom one is unable to see due to artificial means, such as being blindfolded or having sex in total darkness.

I'd like to try it, but Seān prefers to take it slow with me... He's very worried that he might break me at some point, I think...

Acrotomophilia and apotemnophilia: sexual attraction to amputation or amputees


Andromimetophilia gynemimetophilia): sexual attraction towards women dressed as men or who have had sexual reassignment surgery.

We're both males, so how would I be supposed to know?

Aquaphilia: arousal from water and/or in watery environments, including bathtubs and swimming pools.

I like watery environments when it comes to sexual interaction... So, yes

Aretifism: sexual attraction to people who are without footwear, in contrast to retifism.

Why is this here?

Autogynephilia: love of oneself as a woman.

But I'm gay?

Autoassassinophilia: sexual arousal from fantasizing about or staging one's own murder.


Biastophilia: sexual arousal from assault and rape

*Whines loudly*

Chronophilia: sexual attraction to a partner of the same chronological age, but whose sexuoerotic age is discordant with that chronological age.


Coprophilia: sexual attraction to (or pleasure from) feces. It's strictly related to Fecophilia, sexual arousal from defecation or watching a partner defecate, particularly on oneself.

*Soft footsteps can be heard, going away*

Covert incestophilia: arousal from non-contact sexual behavior with a child.

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