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Sebastian stepped out of the airport into the blazing heat of Arizona. He did not miss the weather here that was certain. The only thing he missed was still an hour taxi drive away. His baby sister Ashley. He hadn't seen her in little over a year no and he missed her dearly. She didn't know he was coming home this early though, she though he still had three more months to go. He had wanted to surprise her so he had to lie even though the sadness in her voice from the news almost made him cave in. However, the look on her face when she did see him would make it worth it.

He wasn't worried about his parents. They were never around much anyways. Always working and they loved their kids but they loved each other and work more. Sebastian didn't hate them for it nor did he feel angry anymore. At 24 he really didn't have the energy or care to worry about such small matters. Ashley on the other hand was more sad about it than angry or hateful. All she tried to do and still does try is to gain their approval and love. She busts her ass in school making sure to keep her grades top notch. Awards, high school valedictorian at a very prestigious academy. Currently she was working on a Master's in civil engineering, minoring in computer designs.

But it was never enough for them to pause their lives to come to graduations, or award ceremonies, or even home. They tossed money at them thinking that was enough to keep them appeased. Once Sebastian realized that was their goal, he stopped accepting the money. He had once been a crazy frat boy, partying all night and barely staying awake in class to keep a D average all day. He was stupid and realized that he had been doing that to receive some form of reaction from his parents. But they only threw more money in his direction. That sobered him up quickly and made him realize that he didn't actually enjoy that life. So he went out looking and found it. Now a proud Marine, he was back home for the first time in a year after a tour in Afghanistan to see his baby sister. He didn't accept a dime from his parents, it sat in a bank account he'd shred the card to long ago. He made decent money by himself, and planned to make it himself for the rest of his life. He'd be damned if he relied on anyone for anything.

However Ashley was still in the stage where she wanted love and acceptance and if she couldn't get it from their parents, she searched for it through friends and boyfriends. She gave all the love she never got and only wanted it in return which always led to people using her and just dumping her when they either got what they wanted or she got too annoying for them to handle. Sebastian loved his little sister and didn't understand why people treated her so poorly which made him extremely defensive for her.

Finally waving down a taxi Sebastian tossed his bag into the trunk and made his way around to the back seat. He cursed when his head hit the door on his way in. Being six foot four made him almost hate small things. He always hit his head at least once a day on something.

"You okay there Sir?" the taxi driver took Sebastian out of his angry fit of curses that any Navy soldier would be proud of.

"Yes, just gave myself a mini concussion is all." Sebastian muttered back removing his cap and settling into the seat. The blading driver chuckled.

"Where to son?" he asked. Sebastian gave him the address and leaned his head back into the seat as the driver took off onto the route given. As he watched the buildings go by he felt his eyes drooping little by little. It had been a long plane ride and it was going to be a long drive too. Finally his eyes closed shut and off to sleep he went


"Son, time to get up, we're here." Sebastian's eyes shot open as he took in his surrounding. He was still in the taxi cab but now they were in a much, much nicer neighborhood. His neighborhood. Sebastian smiled as he sat up straight and gave the taxi driver his money and a tip.

"Thank you sonny, that's very generous of you." He smiled. Sebastian mirrored his smile and made his way out of the cab, placing his cap back on, went to the trunk, and retrieved his bag. Looking back Sebastian waved at the driver.

"Have a nice day Sir."

"You too sonny, thank you for your service." Sebastian nodded is head and made his way up the long walkway to what used to be his home. A two story house that had five bedrooms, and three bathrooms. It was unnecessarily large, purchased more as a status statement than anything and the garage off to the side held at least three high end vehicles and more, one of which used to be his daily driver, but he'd become much simpler now. He was sure his beauty still stood tall next to the over priced vehicles rotting in the garage. The yard was large and a luscious green with flowers and plants neatly trimmed to perfection. In the backyard sat a large pool and pool house to match with a similar color coded landscape style. But that wasn't what Sebastian was here for.

Making his way up the final steps to the house, Sebastian inserted his key into the door. Ashley wouldn't be back for a little longer due to her class schedules, so he was going to wait for her here with here and be ready when she opened the door. He walked into the silent house and made his way up the stairs to his old bedroom, tossing his bag onto his neatly made bed. Then he scurried his way down to the kitchen looking for food. Once that mission was finished he walked into the living room expecting there to be silence. So when he heard the soft growl of an animal he froze. He looked over and his eyes widened. There on the sofa he used to play stupid video games with his friends, laid a purebred Shepard, teeth bared, ready to pounce. But the dog wasn't what surprised him the most, what surprised him, was what the dog was protecting.

A small woman, curled up in a ball, mahogany brown hair resting around her in long curls. She wore a dirty half apron wrapped around her with simple black work pants that were too long for her legs covering half of her feet where she wore black socks. One shoe was on the floor by the couch, the other dangled on her toes still. Her shirt was blue and had the label of some kind of Diner that he recognized from the university areas. Her face was heart shaped, her cheeks chubby and cute. Long dark lashes rested on those cheeks leading down to her full naturally red lips. Tendrils of her long hair tickled her face and Sebastian involuntarily reached out to swipe them away gently.

That was stopped when the dog barked loudly in warning and stood up tall. He'd seen many military dogs ready to fight for their handler's but this dog had a look in it's eyes that he wasn't going to just fight but maybe kill.

"Chip, shh, Mommy is trying to sleep." The woman mumbled and her hand swept out hitting Sebastian's leg. Her body tensed. Her hand moved around his leg, higher and higher, until... "Love, I don't think that's your dogs tail." Her eyes shot open so fast her pupils barely dialted in time to catch up and she shot up and jumped behind the couch. He had to hand it to her. Her reaction time was fast.

"W-who are you?" she asked as the dog, Chip, ran around to stand in front of her.

"Well Love, now that is a question I should be asking you, since you're in my family's house."


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