Chapter 4

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Dongwoo's POV:

I set up the table as good as I can.  They are living under my rule now.  If they don't like it, Deal with it, no one gives a damn.

"GUYS!!!  DINNER'S READY!!!"  I heard faint groaning and shuffling before I saw some teenagers coming down stairs.  I sat down at the end, waiting for their arrival.

First was SungJong, he ran and grabbed the seat closest to me.  He looked agitatedly at Hoya, who took the seat next to him.  He had a cold glare which never seemed to leave his face...

Next was Myungsoo.  He looked kind of tired and irritated, and I felt I knew why.  Sungyeol was right behind him, talking non-stop.

"..- and then that guy went all 'KUNG FU PANDA' on him.....  Yah!  You're not even listening!"  He slightly shoved Myungsoo on the arm making him go down the stairs faster.

"UGH!  Yah!  Why are you still sleeping!"  That was Woohyun.   SungGyu was riding in his back, still half asleep.  "You're fucken heavy!!!"  He dropped the sleeping boy onto the ground and released a grunt of relief.  He sent a quick glare at him and went to take his seat.

SungGyu got up and rubbed his eyes.  He sniffed the air cutely.  "I smell food..."  He sat down next to Woohyun, who huffed in dissatisfaction.  "Ah- Hi Woohyun-ssi.  What's wrong?  You look tired..."  Woohyun gave him a are-you-kidding-me?  Look.  Sunggyu just blinked innocently.

"Now since everyone's here lets begin dinner."  I gave everyone a smile.

"Ugh!  What is this?  Commoners food?  Looks so low class!!!"  Sungyeol poked at it like it would jump off the plate and gobble him up.

"Sungyeol-ssi.  You should say that about someone's hard work."

"Yah!  I'll say whatever I want to say!  Got a problem with that?  Bleh~"


Hoya looked at it with disgust.  Myungsoo never said anything.  I felt bubbling anger slowly rising within me.

"Hyung.  I'll try it.  Ne?"  Sungjong said in a shy voice.  He picked up his chopsticks and stabbed in into the Bulgogi.

He slowly put it into his mouth.  Everyone was silent for a moment, waiting for the response.

Songjong squealed in his seat jumming up and down.  Everyone looked at their plates and started digging in, except for one person.

"Ugh!  Why do we have to eat this!!!!  I want to go to a restaraunt!"  Sungyeol complained.

"Yah!  Just eat you food.  You're not gonna die."

"No I'm not hungry.  I lost my appetite."  Suddenly his stomach growling sending a ripple of silence to strike the room.  Then all of a sudden laughter poured out of our mouths.  "Yah stop laughing!"  He crossed his arms and pouted.

I let out a chuckle.  Maybe this isn't so bad.

SungYeol's POv:

ugghhh!  My stomach had to turn on me right now?!?!?!

Aishh! so embarrasing!!!

Suddenly I felt something warm hit my lips.  I looked up and saw that Myungsoo held and piece of meat to my mouth.  I smiled and opened wide.  I ate quickly and I had to admit,  It wasn't that bad...

"Thank you SU-oppa!!!  Chu~"  I did my aegyo and gave him a peck close to his lips.  I smiled and started to eat.

Myungsoo's POV:

He gave me a peck on my check but if was fucken close to my lips!  I kept my emotionless face on, but my heart was beating like crazy!!!

What's Wrong with me!

I know I'm straight!

I'm for sure straight!

I'm just confused!

Yeah... That's it...


Woohyun's POV:

Mmmm... This is good!  I was eating quickly, but I was careful not to look like a pig.

I was fine until I took a bit of that Kimchi.

"HOLY CRAP!"  I spit out my food.  "That is freaken spicy!!!"  I fanned myself trying to cool down.  "Water!"

Sunggyu handed me a glass of water and I gulped it down.  If you haven't guessed by now, I'm terrible with spicy foods.

"AH-  Are you okay Woohyun-ssi!!!  Huu~"  He started fanning me and blowing into my mouth.  His mouth smelled minty~  UGH!

I shoved his head away and he fell of his chair.

He ran and grabbed the water pitcher and poured it on my head.

"Better?"  He asked innocently.

"Yeah... SOOO much better.."  I said sarcastically while giving him the glare.

"Hehe.  Glad I could help!"  He smiled proudly and marched into the kitchen to get towels to clean up the mess.

SungGyu's POV:

Yay~  I was so happy I could help.  I'm good at helping people aren't I.  I smiled proudly at my hard work.

Dongwoo's POV:

I massaged my temples and shook my head. Ai-yai-yai~ 

"Okay so I arranged a schedule."

"Schedule?"  SungJong asked, confused.

"Yes. Schedule."  I cleared my throat.  "HoJong.  You guys will be doing dishes and cleaning the kitchen and taking out the trash this week."

"HoJong?"  Hoya scoffed.

"I don't want to say all names.  It's tiring.  MyungYeol.  You guys will be vacuming and washing all the floors of this house."

"Eh?  The whole house?"  Sungyeol said in shock.

"Ne~  WooGyu.  You guys are doing the bathrooms and laundry."



"Don't worry~  You guys are switching every week.  No need to get agitated."  I smiled.

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