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Today was rehearsals, and Kirstie was avoiding the one person she didn't want to see. Of course, that was very hard. That one person, Avirel Kaplan, was in her band.
The reason she was avoiding Avi?
She had a crush on him. In fact, it was more than a crush. Kirstie was in love with Avi. Too in love. So in love, that she was too far in to get out.
"Hey, Kirstie."
"Hello," she mumbled back to Avi.
"KitKat!" Mitch yells running up to her. What was up with him? They had seen each other yesterday...
"Coffee high," Scott says to explain.

We're rehearsing for the Light In The Hallway music video, when Avi glances at Kirstie. Her heart seems to break a little more, adding to the pile.
She knows she can't be with him for two reasons. For one, Avi does most definitely not like her back. Another one? It would ruin the band. Not only if they break up, but it'd be way too awkward.

Kirstie has tried on numerous occasions to get over the bass. She just couldn't. It was like he was her soulmate, but she didn't believe in soulmates. She couldn't shake the feeling that they were meant to be.
"Kit?" Avi asked Kirstie. He used her nickname, which definitely didn't help her situation.
They must've finished the song, because the music was no longer playing, and she was no longer singing. Good think she knew the song as well as the back of the hand, or they'd have to redo the music video.
"You were kind of spacing off."
"Oh, yeah."
"What were you thinking of?"
"Nothing. It's unimportant."

Avi was in love with Kirstie. They had told each other their feelings a while ago. A year, about. He knew she was over him.
The sad part was, he was deeply in love with Kirstie. Deeply.
Every time she even talked, or looked at him, his heart broke. You'd think he love to see or talk to her, but it ruins him. He can't be with the girl of his dreams.

"Avi?" Kirstie calls on the phone.
"I still love you."
"You what?"
"I know you don't feel the same, but I needed to tell you."
"I still love you."
"What now?"
"Come over."
"On my way."
"Sounds good."
"See you in 10 minutes."
Kirstie hangs up, surprised of what she just did. Also happy.
Sure enough, Avi knocks on the door 10 minutes later. Kirstie opens the door.
"Avi," she breaths.
Not sure who initiated it, they run to each other and lock lips. Avis hands find Kirstie's waist, and her hands find Avi's hair. He left his hair down. She knocked of his beanie, and ran her hands through his brown curls.
Suddenly, Avi picks her up, and she wraps her legs around Avi.

*Time skip to morning because you really do not want me writing smut*

Kirstie woke up, wrapped up in Avi's warm embrace. His beard tickled the top of her head. She was wearing his sweatshirt and her underwear.
"Avi," she said. He didn't budge.
She turned around, so she was facing him.
"Avi," she whispered, again. This time, kissing his lips. His eyes popped open.
"Well, good morning," he says, kissing her.
That morning voice, she thought.
"Why'd you wake me?" His deep voice asks.
"We have rehearsal in 2 hours."
"For what?"
"Tour, duh."
"Isn't that like a year off?"
"3 months, we need to figure out songs."
"What time is it?"
"Too early."
"I know, but we need to get ready."
"You wanna get ready here?"
"I don't have any clothes."
"Jeremy left some here when he broke up with me."
The two get ready, and Kirstie makes breakfast.
"Can we talk about what happened last night?"
"What about it?" Kirstie blushed.
"Are we a thing?"
"What about the band?"
"What about them?"
"Avi, what if we break up?"
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there."
"But-" he got up and walked over to Kirstie, wrapping his arms around her.
"We'll deal with that later," he mumbled into her hair.
"I love you," she leaned back into him.
"I love you, too."
"Ask me."
"Ask me, for real."
"Kirstin Taylor Maldonado. Will you be my girlfriend ?"
"I'd love to, babe."
Kirstie turned around to kiss Avi, and he kissed back.
Kirstie pulled back, and rested her forehead against his. "We've got to go to rehearsals and eat."
"Can't we skip rehearsals?"
"The most important rehearsals between tours?"
"Yeah, that one."
The two finished their breakfast and headed into rehearsals.
"What's up with you two? Why are you being so cute?" Mitch asks.
"Why didn't you come home last night?" Kevin asks.
Kirstie and Avi look at each other and laugh.
"Oh my god, they're dating," Scott says.
"What?" Kevin and Mitch ask at the same time.
"We are dating."

First one shot wooo
This was supposed to be break a Little themed but the ending was not like that at all so
But I hope you liked it :)
It was fun to write cute couple-y ness
Well anyways


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