I Will Wait

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A/N this is very loosely based off I Will Wait by Mumford & Sons
It's nothing like the song but interpreted it otherwise 😂😂
I'll put the song up above

Jeremy had broken up with Kirstie about a week ago. It had been mutual, and there was no spark anymore. Kirstie wasn't mad, in fact. She was happy to have the burden of breaking up with him off her chest, and happy he did it for her.

There was a downside of Jeremy not living with her anymore, though. She got lonely. She did have Olaf and Pascal, but they don't speak back to her when she talks. Kirstie missed having someone to have meaningless conversations with, and someone that could take care of her when she was sick, sad, or tired.

She didn't miss Jeremy, per se, but she missed a person living in her home with her.

On one particularly lonely and tiring night after a full day of song writing, she needed someone. Writing was emotionally draining. She had to get ideas rejected or accepted that came from the deepest place of her mind. Ideas that meant so much to her, but could be pushed away by one minor flaw in detail or lack of emotion. She needed someone.

Mitch and Scott were definitely great friends, they made you laugh all the time. She didn't know where she'd be without them. Scott and Mitch, however, wouldn't know how to help someone who felt alone. They always had each other.

Kevin, he liked being alone. Not that he wasn't friendly, he was, but it was difficult to help relay feelings to him. Kirstie would also go to him for any other problem in her life. He was great with advice, and she didn't want to bug him too much.

And Avi, he would understand. Kirstie, however, didn't feel like going back to him again with another one of her problems. That's what she told herself, anyways. She had a small crush on Avi. A gargantuan crush, to be completely honest.

This will be the last time, she convinced herself as she slipped on her sweatshirt and grabbed her car keys. Kirstie knew the drive to Avi's house very well, by now. Avi had helped her through countless situations, and she couldn't help but fall for him. Kirstie had shot him a text as she was leaving to know she was coming over. Avi never minded, he had said before that his doors were 'always open'.

"Kirst? What's wrong?" Avi asked as he opened the door to see a crying Kirstie. Kirstie hadn't even realized she was crying until she felt the teardrops on her face. She was really overreacting, she concluded.

"I don't know! I'm tired and I'm lonely and I-"

"Come in," Avi motioned. Once the two were inside, away from the cold, Avi gave Kirstie a long hug. He knew that his hugs made Kirstie feel better, no matter what was happening. "Did you just want someone to talk to?"

"Yeah," Kirstie admitted. It was a pretty stupid reason for coming over.

"That's okay. Wanna just watch some movies?"



Avi released Kirstie as he went to pick out a movie.

"A Dog's Purpose?"

"That's sad and you know it. It'll just make me cry more," Kirstie laughed.

"It's okay, you're cute when you cry."

Kirstie blushed, and went to sit on the couch. Avi came over and put his arm around her. She leaned into him, and tucked her knees under herself so she was tall enough to lean into his neck.

"So you came over because you were lonely?" Avi teased.

"Shut up."

"Hey, its fine with me. Why didn't you go over to Scott and Mitch. They are your best friends."

Kirstie mumbled something inaudible in response, and Avi asked her to repeat. This was as good of time as ever..

"I like you." She whispered.

"I like you, too?"

"No, like, I love you."


"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"It's fine."

"It's not. You're not saying anything."

"I just don't think you're ready for a relationship, Kit."


"It's okay, cause, I will wait, I will wait for you."

"How do you know?"

"You come over to my house on a weekly basis crying. I think you need to gather yourself up. You need to be bold as well as strong. It's okay, I understand."

Kirstie understood what Avi was saying. She wasn't emotionally ready for anything yet.

"Do you like me back, though? I need to know you'll wait for me for sure."

"I love you, Kirst, I will wait for you. I'll kneel down, if you need me to."

"Okay," she replied timidly, and went back home. She told herself she wasn't going to go over to his house for two weeks. She usually went over three to four times in a two week period.


It had been two weeks since the bass and the mezzo-soprano had seen each other. They hadn't even had a group meeting since the song writing.

Kirstie was really ready, she though. She decided tonight she would tell him she was ready. Maybe two weeks wasn't very long to most people, but she didn't care. She had missed Avi like crazy.

Coincidentally, Avi called her that same night as she was about to text him.


"Avi?" The both said each other's names at the same time.

"I'm sorry I told you to wait, I'll help you. I love you. Can we please be together?"

"I'm ready, I think. I love you. Can we please be together, finally?" Kirstie said as the same time as Avi. The two laughed, then answered at the same time.


"I'm coming over," Avi said happily. Kirstie agreed, and then hung up.

Avi knocked on the door, and Kirstie opened. Avi walked in, and gave her a long hug. He knew she liked the hugs.

"I'm sorry," he whispered into her hair.

"For what?"

"Making you wait."

"It's okay. I'm ready now."

"I love you, Kirstin."

"I love you, too, Avriel."

A/N okay so I try not to leave an A N after every one shot but I do so deal with it

Sorry if this is trash it was really great when I started out in my head and then it didn't go so great

An also, this is nothing like the song lmao
I read the lyrics as some guy breaking up with his girlfriend and then apologizing and waiting for her, and that's like the opposite of what I did here

Very loosely based

I twisted the lyrics ig

Well anyways


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