Matt again?

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A/N Disclaimer real quick: I don't already hate Matt, but for the sake of this one shot he is a terrible person XD

"Avi?" Kirstie called from his door in tears. The bass walked to the door and unlocked it, only to see his girlfriend with smudged make-up and tears running down her face.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Avi asked as he pulled Kirstie in for a bone-crushing hug.

"I hate Matt."

"Matt again?"

"Yeah," she mumbled.

"You only have to deal with him until January though, right?"

"Avi, it's October!"

"So? You can come over after practice. Kevin won't mind, he doesn't like Matt either."

"I have to go on tour with him! Why'd we ever plan this Christmas tour?"

"Because it was back in April. And it was my idea."

"I'm going to miss you."

"It's only for a month, babe. You know I'm going to two of your shows, too."

"Yeah, but.."

"It'll be fine. I promise. Just talk to Scott, Mitch, and Kevin."

"Matt will be there, though."

"Let's focus on the present. Does Matt always have the same rehearsal times as you?"

"Well, no, but when we do he controls everything! He makes me feel like a terrible person and artist," Kirstie sobbed.

"Babe, you're not. We both know that. Every single fan knows that, and the guys know it. Esther knows it, too. You can always talk to Esther on the bus," Avi said into Kirstie's hair, pulling her onto the couch with him.

"But it gets to me. I can't block it out."

"I know you can't. Is he that way to the rest or just you?"

"All of us."

"Can't you fire him?"

"Uh, no! We have a tour!"


"You should've never left Pentatonix."

"Babe, we've been over this."

"I don't care. You shouldn't have."

"Love, I really don't know what to tell you. I would love to come on tour with you, too, but I can't. I'm so so sorry. Who are you rooming with for hotels?" Avi asked, pulling Kirstie into his chest.

"Esther most of the time, and then we have three beds in a couple, so it's scomiche and I."

"Ooh, have fun with them making out 24/7."

"Kevin will have the most fun, he has Matt."

"I'll have to send a condolences card."

The two giggled for a little bit until Kirstie stopped crying. By then it was about 9 at night, so it too dark to do most things they would normally do. 

"Movie?" She asked from Avi's chest.

"Sure. Which one?"

"Hm... A happy one.."

"Tangled?" Avi sighed.


"The things I do for my stunning girlfriend."


"Do you want me to make you some dinner?"

"Can I help?"

"You just came from songwriting and rehearsals. No."

"Why not?"

"You're exhausted. I know you are."


"Just watch your movie. I'll make something quick."

Kirstie gave in and contentedly watched the television. In what seemed like no time, Avi came back with two bowls of homemade Mac & Cheese. 

"You know me so well," she smiled.

"That I do."

With that, the two ate in silence. After they were done, Avi took the bowls to the kitchen. "Do you wanna sleep over?" he asked when he came back.

"Yes, please," Kirstie replied.

"I've still got clothes you've left here."

Kirstie changed and headed back to his bedroom. Kevin must've still been at rehearsals and songwriting; his door was wide open. 

"I love you," Avi announced as Kirstie crawled under the covers.

"I love you more," Kirstie smiled as Avi put his arms around her.


A/N oops this is really short and it's trash but the idea of it is kinda cute I guess?

Also sorry I haven't posted a chapter in like a month

Now watch in like three months Matt will be my favorite in the group and I'll hate this one shot even though I don't actually think he's a terrible person...

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