That It Is

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It all started with Avi calling Kevin in a nervous frenzy, unsure of what to do.

"Kevin, bro, how do I do it? What do I buy? Should I even do it in the first place?"

"Avi, calm down. Why don't you come over for a little bit, we can watch a movie or something."

The calmness in Kevin's voice helped Avi to calm down, too.

"Now you're making it sound like a date I would Kirst on."

"Haha. Now come over. We can figure everything out then."


"Do you think I should do it though?"

"Why are you even asking me. She loves you unconditionally, Avi."

"Isn't it too soon?"

"2 years of dating and 6 years of being friends? No, it's not too soon."

"But Kevin."

"Yes, Avi. Definitely do it."

"What about the guys? Esther? Will they care?"

"Avi. You are not making any sense right now. Of course not, besides, Scott and Mitch are too tangled up in each other to notice."

"So, when and how then?"

"Are you sure you should?"


"Sorry, bro."


So here Avi was, after much convincing from Kevin, in the music room as they liked to call it. The music room consisted of a white gold Yamaha grand piano, a cello (because Kevin insisted on it once Kirstie and Avi bought their shared home), Kirstie's guitar, Avi's guitar, and a couple of microphones. Occasionally, they recorded songs together when they had random ideas for Pentatonix. It also had a love seat next to a giant picture window filling up almost the whole wall.

This room was both of their favorites. Lots of memories were here, that was why Avi had picked it. Well, with Esther's help. He had printed photographs of everything they ever looked fondly back on, too. When they were on the sing off (every performance, of course), when they won the sing off, their first concert, every tour, and random pictures from tour and rehearsal she and he loved. 

He also chose pictures related to their person lives. When Kirstie first met Avi (Scott and shipped them from the start), when they first kissed (he was still shocked when Mitch told him he had that a couple months back- they thought they were alone), the first date, and other cute pictures. Half of them were just of Kirstie, taken by Avi at random moments when she looked her cutest. The other half was them together, with an occasional few that Kirstie took of Avi. Total, there were probably about 500 pictures. 

It was a big music room, okay?

Kirstie was due home in about 5 minutes, but Avi was still kneeled down on one knee 10 minutes early. What if she underestimated the traffic when she left the studio? Lots of what ifs were going through Avi's mind.

After deciding Kirstie was never ever coming home again, Avi heard the door click open. His heart rate picked up tenfold, and he heard the click-clack of her high heels following the trail of music notes he had picked up at Party City. 

He could tell by the sound of it, Kirstie was wearing her favorite pair of high heels. She liked them because they made her feel tall, they were comfortable, and they were pretty, apparently.

Avi thought she looked beautiful no matter what, even though Kirstie usually disagreed.

Avi was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the door handle turn, and then saw Kirstie. It took her a moment to perceive what was happening, and then he saw the pure look of shock on her face. Was that good? 

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