Cliques In Love

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Lauren Jauregui, Dinah Jane and Normani Kordei have never liked each other since they all ran in three different cliques.

Lauren ran with the smart rich kids of the school. She was the captain in every club, she was on the honor roll and has all A's in every one of her classes, including her electives. It was safe to say that she was one of the smartest girls in school.

Dinah Jane ran with the populars of the school. Since she was the richest girl in school it only made sense that she would hang with the other rich kids of the school. In this school she was most definitely the queen bee.

And then there's Normani she ran with the dance team and the preforming arts kids. She was involved in every school performance and dance competition and not once has she ever came in second place, she was always first. She and everyone else knew that she was the best dancer.

These three usually stayed away from each other but unfortunately today luck was not on any of their sides as the all got paired together for a group project in choir. With the rivalry between the three of them they did not like the fact that they had to work together. This was going to suck!

Lauren was dreading the fact that she had to work with Dinah and Nicole but she pushed it in the back of her mind because she was not going to fail this class just because they didn't like each other. She wasn't going to let those two get in the way of her perfect grade.

"So what song should we do?" Lauren asked as she took out her notebook.

Dinah huffs as she slouched in her seat "you're the nerd, you figure it out." She mumbles as she began texting on her phone.

"God you're such a brat." Normani spat.

Dinah glares at her "says the diva herself!" She bites back.

"Diva?" Normani chuckled amusingly "at least I'm not trying to be a cheap version of Beyoncé you wannabe!"

Dinah gasped in offense "you take that back right now!" She demanded.

Normani smirks "make me blondie." She challenged.

Lauren rubs her temples as the two girls began arguing and she was very tempted in asking the teacher for a new group. "Can you guys stop arguing for five seconds and help me figure out what song we should do?" She asked angrily.

Both girls rolled their eyes at the Latina. "Don't you listen to all kinds of music? Can you figure it out on your own?" Dinah sassed.

Lauren was going to chock her "yes I do but this is a group project and we need to figure it out together." She said.

Dinah groans "can't I just pay someone to find us a song?"

Normani rolls her eyes "this is the one time your money won't work princess." She said.

This comment of course led to another argument between the two. Lauren wanted to scream at this point, she was over the arguments. "Girls please can we focus?" She begs "I have a whole playlist that we can pick from, if this makes things easier." She suggested.

Dinah snorts "yeah because you're weird indie music is going to go really well with our voices." She shot sarcastically.

Lauren glares at her "fuck you Hansen! I was just trying to help." She spat.

"Yeah well your suggestions are stupid!" Normani bites.

Lauren was so over this. Nothing was getting accomplished and they were just fighting constantly. All she wanted to do was give up but she couldn't because her grade would suffer and she could not have that.

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