What did we do?

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It had been 8 days since we last talked that one break about Lena's selfie... For me, there was nothing more to say, I wasn't interested in maintaining a relationship or any kind of conversation with him. He had proofed himself unworthy of my time. He had shown me that he was a selfish and self centered person.

That monday, the head-mistress interrupted the math class and asked to retire me and another classmate called Liam. Liam was an interesting guy. Of those you don't want to miss out on getting to know better. He was open-minded and his reflexions were way advanced for the mediocre vast majority of the teenagers. Even for society itself. Thankfully, I got the opportunity of getting closer to him, his friendship meant a lot to me in that year of highschool...

Going back to the math-class-head-mistress situation: we looked at eachother asking ourselves why she was taking us out of the class. Usually, it meant we were in trouble. But in this case, we had done nothing wrong.

      -Don't worry. You've done nothing wrong - She said. You could almost say she had read our minds.- We called both of you in representation of your course, for an activity. We will tell you more about it in a few minutes, when you are all together.

After a couple of minutes, more students of diferent classes arrived. Among them, Matt...

      -Okey students. Can everybody pay attention to me now? - The head-mistress said in order to get everyone to shut up. - Most of you don't know why you are here. We have selected you as a representation of your class, with some general criteria. We are here today, the bigger courses, to plan together an activity about bullying and teen-depression. We haven't invited everybody so as not to generate sensibility among the students. If you are interested, you stay and we think together an activity all school will do in two weeks. If you rather not involve in this, you tell me or the general secretary, and we'll choose another student who is interested. 
        Liam raised his hand and once the teacher pointed at him he said:

      -Isn't the whole point of this letting the students participate in the activity? Isn't it important that those students who are interested in the toppic can get involved? Because, in the end, you are letting the students participate, but only those who you want. You are basing your choice of who participates and who doesn't in prejudice, because you truly don't know if a student who you misjudge is absolutely interested in this toppic and would like to be a part of it. You are always talking about inclusion and going against the tabu toppics in school, but then you do this, without talking to all of the class, to avoid really talking about such a difficult subject of conversation. It's all part of the system. You pretend like you care, but you actually do it just because you have to. You do it for Lena's friends, and the face you want to show on this. You do this so as not to admit the fact that you failed as an institution because you had a student who was suffering this bad and you weren't able to tell. You are doing this to avoid any complaints from her parents and any discontent among the students. You are not doing this because you really care, cause if you were, you would all admit your part of the fault and try to change the school practises wich lead to treating the students as numbers and not realising they are suffering. So no, if it's going to be like this I don't want to participate. It's not fair for Lena and her honor. And it's not fair for all the students who are suffering, who don't diserve to listen a boring speech of yours for three hours, they need to be understood. It's not fair to use this as a cover to hide the real problems of the system itself and this institution as well. - Liam, as always, went straight to the point. He had always been clear with what he wanted to say. Nothing nor nobody mattered to him when he needed to express what he thought. I admired that of him, he had all the clarity necessary for any kind of argument. Besides, he was the only one with the courage to say it out loud without a pinch of hesitation.

We all just watched as he knocked everybody down. They diserve it. He was absolutely right... Only he could say it with those perfect words and right in the front. He didn't matter she was the person with more power in the school. He didn't matter what they could do to him for saying things thay way. He mattered that he had seen something that wasn't fair and he was going to speak up on what needed to be said.

After that the head head-mistress was speechless. Liam stood up and left back to the classroom. He let us all there. Admiring his courage. Without anything to say.

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