S u s p e n d e d (much?)

10 1 0

 (don't put play until I say)

   -Zoey, Zoey. Wake up!!!! - My mother said with an unfriendly voice. -These are not vacations young lady. You have a lot of things to do.
         After our riot, most of the participants had been suspended, including me, Liam and Olivia, who got two days more than the rest of the students for, and I quote, "Being negative leaders" and for promoting violent behaviours in our school. Of course, my house was a mess after that.
          I had been forbidden just about anything, specially those days I wasn't going to go school: no going out with friends, no netflix, no sleeping a lot. I had five days to get the house in order, I would have to get up at seven AM, clean the house, tidy up my room, help my mum with the cooking, do the dishes, etc. Basically, I was going to be a slave for my parents.

(now play the song)

    But that wasn't the worst. The worst part is always the disappointment. My parents barely talked to me, and when they did I could sense the anger and disappointment in their voices. They avoided looking at me directly in the eyes. They didn't do it on purpose, but of course I could tell they were angry and holding a gretch.
     " That's the thing about humans, we expect too mucho from everybody and consequently we get dissapointed too easily. We reflect our expectations on other people, to fulfil our wishes.
           Why couldn't my parents understand my ideals? Why couldn't they punish me but not love me less? Why couldn't they accept that I was... different from them, from my brother, and stop compairing me? Why couldn't they understand that I followed my ideals and didn't change for anybody? Why couldn't they be proud of me for what I was and for what I had become?
       But no... I had to get over that and realise that the only approval I needed was mine. I didn't and still don't need my parents approval and pride, because if I am proud of myself, that's enough."
        I closed the little notebook, filled with tears but happy that I was finally moving on and realizing I was good enough no matter what everybody thought, including my family. I wasn't much of a diary-girl, I just liked writing some short texts whenever I needed to be myself, whenever I felt like I needed to talk with anybody about my troubles and my pains, so I just wrote and cried for half an hour and then, I could take back my life.
     Of course, my mum interrupted. She couldn't even leave me alone for twenty minutes to cry in peace: -Come on, the dishes aren't going to wash theirselves. And what did we told you about naps?
          I dried the tears with the sleeves of my sweatshirt and answered: -I am not sleeping, I'll be right there.
         My chest was about to explode, I had so many things I wish I was brave enough to tell my parents. But I didn't. I was always a expressive girl, except in my place. I was always honest and complained whenever something I didn't agree with was happening, but not at home. I had so many things I wished I could tell my parents, but I didn't had the guts to do it.
     After I washed the dishes my mum asked me to go to the supermarket, she needed some things for the house and I came in handy, since she had ran out of tasks to give me. She even let me take the car, which I thought was impossible, I was sure she was going to make me walk all the way there.
       -Here. Take my car.- She said as she threw the keys at me in a friendly way. I guess she realized my surprise face, because she added, to justify:       -The list is long, you cannot bring all of those things by foot.- And she winked an eye. She knew I was going to seize the opportunity to give a little ride around the mall. I hadn't been out of the house in three days and I felt desperate to go to the real world and see actual people.
    I guess that was the first time I saw a pinch of compassion in my mom. Some would think this is not such a big deal. But it was. At least for me. Once you knew this family, you would understand. This where the little things that made you have a little hope in the family itself.
    After twenty minutes of going around in the city, with the music at it's highest volume, enjoying myself for the first time in a week, I stopped at a red light. I almost jumped out of my own body when somebody knocked my glass. I was so concentrated in my music, singing as if it was a concert that I hadn't realize that somebody was waving at me. I turned the music off, and I lowered the glass.
       -Hey, seems like you are having a lot of fun in here, Rihanna.- who could it be? Of course, I was so lucky that just in that pressies moment Matt had to be crossing the streed when he ran acrossed me. He clearly knew how to embarrass me. I was absolutely completely red. My cheeks were burning. I was very shy with some things, and he had found my weak spot. He made that Rihanna comment to make fun of my singing performance (I was singing as free as someone is in the shower) because he knew I was going to be really embarrassed.
       -What are the odds?- I answered re-stating the small probabilities that we would run into eachother in this city. It seemed like the world was against me today. Everybody knew about what had happened at school, and I just didn't want to see anybody.
    I pulled over because the green light was on and I couldn't just leave.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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