Holding It In

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After driving for an hour through the LA traffic, you finally arrived at the airport. It was 11:45 when you parked the car and you walked to the baggage claim area. Amazingly enough, paparazzi were there waiting for you and they were also waiting for the BTR guys. You stood next to the carousel where the bags would be coming from when you got a text. You looked at you phone and read the message. 

J - Hey, the guys and I just landed where are you?

Y - I'm waiting at baggage claim. Just a warning, there are tons of paparazzi and fans waiting.

J - Are you in the mood for pictures?

Y - I'm in the mood to take pictures with fans, just not the paparazzi lol

J - Haha, OK we'll be there in a couple minutes

You put your phone into your purse and someone tapped your shoulder. You turned around and there were two teenage boys standing behind you. "Hi there." You said with a smile. "Can I help you?"

"Can we have a picture with you? We're really big fans." You nodded yes and they stood on both sides of you. The three of you smiled and someone took the picture. "Thank you so much. You're really pretty by the way." You started to laugh. "Thank you, you two are very cute." They walked away and you heard them say, "Dude, I can't believe we just got a picture with (Y/N)." They sounded like fan girls. You turned back at the carousel when you got another tap on your shoulder. You turned around to expect another fan, but instead, it was James. You smiled and he embraced you into a tight hug. Then, you remembered you have a growing human inside of you and you pulled away. "Hey! I missed you." you said and kissed James. The cameras went crazy and during the kiss, you heard clicks and saw plenty of flashes. "I missed you too, baby." Then two hands covered your eyes. "Guess who?" The voice was deep and sounded abnormal. "Kendall." You pried the hands from your eyes and turned around. "What the hell? How'd you know." You rolled your eyes and smiled. "Really, I've heard your deepened voice before." Then, you saw Logan and Carlos. They greeted you with hugs and "I missed you's". 

Once everyone got their bags, y'al headed to your Cayenne and loaded the trunk with the suitcases, backpacks, and guitar cases. You got in the driver's seat, James in the passenger and Kendall, Logan, and Los in the back. Paparazzi were surrounding your car but you managed to get out of the airport without a scratch. You plugged your phone into the car's AUX cable and played some of EDM. No one was really talking until Carlos asked, "So, (Y/N), what's the talk about you." Your eyes widened but hoped they couldn't see with your Ray Bans on. "What do you mean?"

"You know you being pregnant." Logan added.

"I don't know how they all got started but the paparazzi are freaking stupid." You said trying to avoid the topic.

"So, you aren't pregnant?" James asked. You wanted to slap him.

"She said she isn't and if she was she'd tell us." Kendall said protecting you. You called him one night because you needed advice and you can always trust him.

"Thank you." You said with a little relief and you looked in the rear view mirror giving Kendall a 'thank you' look.

The rest of the ride was quiet and when you got to your and James' house, the guys unloaded the car putting their things into their own cars. You all talked a little more in your drive way and then everyone decided to go home since the day was long and tiring.

You got in your house and James immediately greeted Fox and played with him for a couple of hours while you took a nap. Being pregnant was hard. Not only because you were hiding it from James, but it took a lot of energy from you. When you woke up, you cooked a chicken and pasta dinner with the help of James. Then, the two of you sat on the couch and turned on Frozen. You kept on thinking and tonight was the night you were going to tell James. "James?"


"Do you think that we'll ever have kids?" You sat up and faced him looking into his hazel eyes. He gave you a concerned look.

"I'd like to think so, I just think that right now wouldn't be the right time." Your heart broke. He doesn't want a kid right now and you knew this would happen.

"Why's that?" 

"Well, you're finishing your album and I'm working on some music and I'll be on Dancing with the Stars next week." You looked at the ground and back at him.

"You're right. We're too busy for a kid." You gave James a fake smile. "I'm gonna go shower and go to bed." You got up and started to walk up the stairs. Once you got to the bathroom, you closed the door and locked it. Tears were streaming down your face and you knew what you had to do. You had to leave.

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