I Will Find You

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James POV

I got home from rehearsals and recording and the house was quiet. I called (Y/N)'s name a couple times because I thought she would be home. I was getting a little scared that maybe something happened to her, so I went upstairs to our bedroom. The bed was made and everything was tidy. I walked into the bathroom and all of her makeup, toothbrush, hair tools, and jewelry were gone. I quickly ran over to the closet, everything of her's were gone. I ripped open the drawers and they were empty. I started to panic and I called her. She wasn't answering and I started to freak out even more. I called her at least 30 times and I even texted her. She wasn't answering. I sat on my bed and started to cry a little. "How could she just leave?" I said and Fox jumped on my lap. I hugged him tight and played with him. I texted Carlos, Logan, and Kendall in a group message.

J - (Y/N)'s gone...

K - What do you mean she's gone?

C - What?

L - What the hell happened?!

J - Come over.. I need help.

K, C, L - We'll be over soon!

I was stressing out and went over to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face. While I was washing my face, my phone started to ring. I ran over and picked it up. It was (Y/N). I quickly slide my finger across the screen to answer.

"(Y/N)! Where the hell are you?"

"I moved out, James." 

'Why? Our live's are so perfect together."

"It's because.." She was quiet and I thought she hung up on me.


"It's.. for the.. better." She said hyperventilating and sniffling.

"Please just tell me why you moved out. Did I do something wrong?"

"I gotta go." She hung up and I felt anger and sadness fill my body. I dont' understand what I did to her to make her so angry with me. Just as the call ended, my doorbell rang. I opened the door to see my three best friends.

"(Y/N)'s gone?" Kendall asked while walking to the kitchen.

"Yeah. I just talked to her."

"What did she say, man?" Logan asked.

"She moved out and said it was for the better."

"You need to find her and we're going to help you." Carlos added reassuringly.

"How?" I asked a little doubtful.

"She trusts me the most." Kendall said.

"You're right. Text her to see where she lives and say you're gonna come over to help her through everything." I added while Kendall was texting on his phone. 

" OK, I have her address." I looked at Kendall.

"Well, where does she live?"

"Santa Barbara." Kendall said with a sigh.

"Let's go find her then!" Carlos said walking to my door. We got into Carlos' SUV and drove and hour to her house.

When we got to (Y/N)'s house, we were amazed at how big it was for one person. All the lights were on and there was a tall, black metal fence surrounding the house. 'Holy crap! (Y/N)'s house is better than any of our's." Logan said in aw.

"Dude, your girlfriend has really good taste." Carlos added.

"I know, I can see that. OK, stop getting of track. Kendall you're going to go in and ask her why she left and-" he cut me off.

"Yeah I know what to do. Don't worry." He got out and walked through the fence gate and rang the bell. I saw (Y/N) open the door and let Kendall in. She looks tired, stressed, and depressed. What did I do to her to make her so.. Not herself?

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