Don't Leave Me Again

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James' POV

(Y/N) drove away and I felt horrible for chasing her out of her own house. I thought about driving after her but she needs her space. We'll figure this out and I'll treat her better. That's it. She's gone because of the way I treat her. Yeah sure, I got her some stuff like ice cream and chips this past week when she was craving it, but those are little things. (Y/N) means the world to me and I love her.

After she drove away, I plopped onto the couch to think about where she went. It clicked. She went to Logan's. Her and Logan always tell each other secrets and they're always comforting each other when the other is sad or need help. I got up and was walking up the grand staircase to get my phone from the bedroom when I heard it ringing. I immediately started to run towards the room hoping it was (Y/N). I grabbed my phone off of the dresser and it was an unknown California number. I picked it up.

J - Hello?

??? - Is this James Maslow?

J - Yes? May I ask who's calling?

??? - This is the Santa Barbara Hospital. Do you know (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?

J - Yes I do, she's my girlfriend.

??? - Well, Miss (Y/L/N) has been in a car accident and we think you should come down here as soon as possible.

J - You've got to be kidding me.

??? - I am not kidding sir. Your girlfriend is in the hospital.

J - OK, I'll be there shortly. Thank you.

??? - We'll see you soon Mr. Maslow.

I hung up and quickly and ran back downstairs while putting on my leather jacket, black high-tops, sunglasses and grabbing my keys. I walked outside and locked the door. Paparazzi were everywhere outside and I quickly got into my Mercedes and opened the gate. Once I closed the gate, I sped off to the hospital that was only 25 minutes away.

When I got to the hospital, there were a couple of cameramen and while I was walking to the door they asked a couple questions. "James, we heard (Y/N) is in the hospital. Is she OK?"

"I'm not sure, yet." I said quickly and got into the hospital. I walked up to the front desk and the lady told me what room she was in. "Miss (Y/L/N) is in room 412."

"Thank you so much." I got into the elevator and was anxious to see her. Once I got out of the elevator a doctor approached me.

"Excuse me Sir. Is everything OK?"

"I'm looking for my girlfriend (Y/N)" I said a little shaky.

"Hi, I'm her doctor." I shook his hand. "(Y/N) is currently in a coma and we are unsure whether or not the baby will be OK." My eyes widened and tears started to fill them.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, (Y/N) was in a bad accident. She was texting when she ran a red light and a truck t-boned her Porsche. The car flipped and her and the baby were shaken a lot. She's lucky that she was wearing a seat belt."

"Will she survive?"

"She's in critical condition and if she doesn't wake up from her coma in 3 weeks, we'll have to cut her lifeline." I started to cry a little bit more.

"What about the baby?"

"If she does wake up, the baby will most likely be great. But right now, it's hard to tell." He patted my back.

"Can I go see her?" He nodded his head 'yes' and lead me to her room. I opened the door to see her hooked up to machines and she had an I.V. in her arm. The doctor left us alone and I sat in a chair next to her. I took her hand and held it. "(Y/N), baby. I'm so sorry for yelling at you and chasing you away. Please, wake up. For me, your family, your friends, your FANS, and our baby. Please, (Y/N), I need you to wake up. I can't lose you or our baby. Please, don't leave me again."

I started to bawl and all I could do was think about how stupid I am for letting her get hurt. It's my job to protect her and my baby. This was all my fault. If only I was nicer and didn't yell. The door opened and I quickly wiped my eyes. I looked up to see a shocked Logan, Kendall, Carlos, and Alexa.

"The doctor told us what happened." Carlos said walking over to me. I stood up and was still crying.

"It's all my fault." Kendall patted my back.

"It isn't your fault, man."

"Yes it is. If I didn't get into a fight with her and just shut my mouth, she's be at home with me and not her car texting." I started to cry more and I hated the fact that I was crying in front of the guys. Kendall hugged me and when he pulled away, Logan, and Carlos also hugged me as well as Alexa.

After an hour of sitting in the room and talking, a nurse walked in and asked that we all went home because visiting hours were over. I really didn't want to leave (Y/N), but I had to. So, I left and drove back to our house. When I got home, it was so quiet and then Fox greeted me and it brightened up my day a little bit. After playing with Fox, I fell asleep on the couch hoping that today was just another nightmare.

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