Where We Left Off

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After posting the pictures announcing you being pregnant, you decided to make a quick pasta dinner with salad. You walked downstairs with James at your side. When you got in the kitchen, you went straight to the fridge to get the ingredients. James sat on a stool and was scrolling through his phone. "Everyone is so excited about the baby." James said with a smile. You got everything out and set them on the counter. "That's good. But that just means more interviews, paparazzi, and people trying to figure out our lives." You said while setting a pot on the stove.

"True, but who cares honestly? James replied.

"Yeah you're right. It's whatever." It got quiet after and you were focused on getting dinner cooked. While you were stirring the pasta, James came up behind you and hugged you around the waist. You smiled and felt your cheeks get warm. "Do you need any help baby?" James asked with his head on your shoulder.

"I think I'm OK. Thanks." James still had his arms around you and you thought it was a little weird that he was being so clingy. "Is everything OK, James?"

"Yeah, why? I can't hug my girlfriend?" You broke away from the hug and started to chop the salad. James stood next to you watching your every move. 

"No, you can hug her." You gave James a smirk and dinner was ready. James helped you plate everything and the two of you sat at your large dinner table. It was nice having James back, and you don't regret taking him back at all.

After dinner, you and James walked over to the living room and you plopped onto the couch with James next to you. You switched the TV on and turned to watch 'Full House'. James put his arm around your shoulder and the two of you sat enjoying each other's company. After awhile, James broke the silence. "I like how we're starting where we left off. On the couch enjoying each other's company and just relaxing." You looked into his eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, it is nice. You're right we do have a perfect life together." You went back to watching the TV when James gave you a kiss. You were caught f guard and a little shocked. "What was that for?" You asked laughing a little.

"I love you, (Y/N) and I need you right now." James pulled you on top of him and started kissing your neck. He knew it was your weak spot and you fell right into his trap. He then kissed you and the two of you started a heated make out session. James pulled away and stood up. "Where are we going?" You asked while kissing his neck. "Bedroom." He said quickly and softly. He carried you up the stairs and gently laid on the bed with you on top. The two of you were kissing long and hard. James took off your top and skirt revealing your belly. You pulled his shirt off and admired him. You kissed him along his chest as he rubbed your back. You realized things were getting heated and stopped everything. You were straddling his hips and he looked at you confused. "What's wrong, babe?"

"We can't do this." You stood up from the bed and started to put your top back on. James sat against the headboard and was still confused.

"Why not? It's not our first time." You looked at him.

"I'm pregnant now James. We can't like we used to at this moment." James looked a little hurt.

"But we still can right?" You looked at him feeling a little selfish.

"Yeah, but it's more careful and I really don't feel like it right now." You slipped on your skirt and sat on the bed. James looked at you and you knew he was disappointed.

"OK, that's fine. Maybe another time." You gave him a kiss and walked over to your closet. You slipped your skirt off and threw it into the hamper. Then you walked in front of the bed where James was still sitting. "I'm going to go shower." You walked into the bathroom and shut the door. After washing your hair, the bathroom door opened and James came in with just his boxers on. He slipped them of and got in the shower as well. "What are-" you were cut off by his lips crashing into yours. Soft, sweet, and smooth. "You can't tease James Maslow. He gets what he wants in the end." The night ended with romance and pure love in the air.

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