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James POV

It's been a week since the accident and (Y/N) still hasn't waken up. I've been at the hospital everyday but I always leave to attend DWTS rehearsals and shows. I worry constantly about her and the baby. I've been interviewed so much this past week on how (Y/N) is doing and how I'm doing. I just can't take it anymore and I want her to wake up. I miss being able to hug her and kiss her. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing that she's alive and so is our baby.

Your POV

I opened my eyes. The room was bright and spacious. There was a machine beeping and I had an I.V. in my arm and monitors on my belly. I started to breathe heavily and quickly. The monitors started to beep faster. All of a sudden, nurses and a doctor burted into the room. "It's OK. (Y/N) you're OK. Calm down." The doctor said patting my shoulder while talking in a soft voice.

"What's going on? Why am I in the hospital?"

'Well, you were in a car accident and you were in a coma for the past week."

"What about my baby?"

"Your baby is healthy and wasn't harmed."

"Oh my gosh.. Thank God. Thank you so much for caring for me."

"No problem, it's my job." He smiled and handed me my iPhone. "This was what caused the crash."

"I remember now. I was texted when a truck t-boned my car. It was all my fault."

"Listen to me, yes you were texting. But now you know to never do it again." The doctor smiled and you smiled back. Then he walked out of the room and you studied your phone. You pressed the home button and it turned on surprisingly. You unlocked it and went through your Twitter. Pictures of your totaled car and interviews of James talking about you were all of the posts on your timeline.


You started to wonder whether or not he came to visit you and if he knew you were awake. Just as you finished your thoughts and turned your cracked phone off, the door bursted open. James walked in with tears sliding down his eyes and a smile on his face. "You're awake." He said approaching the bed.

"Yep." He cupped your face and kissed you passionatley. When the kiss broke you wiped his tears away with your thumb. "Why are you crying?"

"I didn't want to lose you or the baby... again." You started to cry and pulled him into a hug.

"I'll never leave you." You said whispering in his ear. Then the doctor came in with a smile on his face.

"It's nice to see a family reunited." You and James smiled back. "Well, (Y/N), tomorrow morning you'll be able to go home."

"Awesome. Thank you again, doc." He smiled again and left you and James alone. You sat up and James sat in a chair next to the bed.

"I really thought I was going to lose you two." James said.

"Well, you didn't, sorry." The two of you started to laugh and then the guys and Alexa walked in.

"You're alive!" Carlos yelled and hugged you really tight. Then Logan, Kendall, and Alexa hugged you as well.

After talking for a while, a nurse walked in. "Miss (Y/L/N), the press would like a conference. Are you OK with that?"

"Yeah sure, I'll need an hour to get ready though." James looked at you like you were crazy.

"OK. I'll tell them."

"Thank you so much." You said and started to get out of bed. Alexa handed you a bad of your clothes and the guys walked out to let you change while James stayed to help you get ready.

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