Preference #6 - Schoolwork

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"Um, excuse you, sir, but that was right." You sassed your computer in annoyance and started reading the next question. Scott laughed and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your shoulders. "What'cha doin'?" You took a deep breath and let it out slowly before answering. "Math. And it's being a butt." Your blond boyfriend took in your tense shoulders and constant deep breaths. "C'mon. Let's go get something to eat and when we get back, I'll help as much as I can." You looked up at him with a shit-eating grin. "I'm not complaining about those plans." The two of you linked arms and left your murderous math behind.


"Wait, what?!" You yelled at your homework in frustration, your face centimeters from the paper. Mitch raised his head from his phone, rolled his eyes then went back to whatever it is he was doing. "That doesn't make any sense!" You yelled a second later. Mitch groaned, threw his phone down on the couch and walked over to join you at your desk. He snatched your paper as you threw down your pencil. With a roll of his eyes, Mitch grabbed your pencil and answered your question in two seconds flat. As he was walking back to retrieve his phone, you stuck your tongue out at him and looked down to see what he had done.


You sniffed in irritation. The whole week consisted of finals, long hours at work and your girlfriend gone on tour. Tears brimmed your eyes when your phone went off. Picking it up, you realized it was your girlfriend. "Hey, babe." You held your phone at an angle so that she couldn't see your face. "Did you get sick? Your nose sounds all stuffed." Kirstie spoke with a concerned look on her face. "I'm alright." The blonde's eyebrow rose in suspicion. "Why do I not believe you?" A sigh escaped your lips and after a long breath, you lifted your phone and spewed all your problems. Tears running down both your cheeks, the two of you took a moment to recollect yourselves. "Promise me, you'll take a bit of time off work and a break from studying. As for me, we'll Skype. Everyday if you need me. Just, please, take care of yourself." You took another deep breath and nodded at her words. She smiled and started telling you everything that had been going on.

Avi (I know he's technically not in the group anymore, but I'm still gonna add him)

"Acquiesce" Avi held the flashcard up to his face in excitement, thinking he had stumped you. Fortunately, for you, he had not. "To agree without protesting." You grinned back at him. He rolled his eyes and picked up another one. "Fractious." You shook your head with a smile. "Troublesome or irritable. C'mon, there's gotta be some harder ones in there." A laugh bubbled out of you. "Alright, smartypants, how about...insatiable?" A shout of glee came after your response. "Incapable of being satisfied." Avi threw your cards down in frustration. He crawled off the bed and picked you up, threw you over his shoulder then marched downstairs to the kitchen. "Fifteen minute break and we'll see how well you do after." A grin spread across your face. There was no way you were gonna screw up and the both of you knew it.


You sat at a small table in the corner of the tour bus while your boyfriend and the rest of his group spread themselves out over the back area of the bus. "Laptop, coffee, notebook, pencil, eraser...I think that's it. I am prepared for my all night study session! Oh joy, kill me now." Scott laughed as you dumped all your stuff in front of you and started opening up your laptop. "Uh, maybe not all night. I do need my cuddle buddy." Mitch raised his hand and leaned forward to catch your eye. You nodded. "Ah yes, you got it." Kevin sat up unexpectedly and rushed over to wrap his arms around you. "I do believe you are my girlfriend, correct?" Everybody laughed. "That you are. I'll join you after Mitch falls asleep. Promise." Kevin gave you a look before glaring at Mitch. "Fine." And sure enough, you kept that promise.


My English in this one was really freaking weird and Kevin's hardly included any schoolwork, but still. Promise I'll do an imagine next if anyone wants to request one.

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