Letting go

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Jackson POV

Jackson: I do.... But.....I don't want to be apart from you....even someone tries to take you away from me.....

Rem: what?

Jackson: I know.... Someday you might wanna walk away from me.....

Rem: why would I do that?

She said said to me as she looked so confused as to what I'm saying right now........

Jackson: because......I......know......something ... You......don't.....

Rem: what is it?.....Jackson get to the point......I'm getting very confused at this point......

Jackson: what I'm trying to say is that today when I saw Jimin...... I......I..... Freaked out....... I got nervous...... I didn't know what you would expect of you had saw him as well...... I was scared.....

Rem: wait.....what?? You saw Jimin? And why were you scared at that point?
I'm very confused Jackson......

Jackson: becuz.... I know that one day he will take you away from me.....no matter what happens..... I just know it....

Rem: why would you say something like that? Wae?!

She yelled.....she was a bit mad at this point.....

Jackson: becuz.....he .....came over to my house saying things like that......

Rem: what?? Jimin? Jimin said that he would take me away from you? Why? He's the one who left me..... Why would he say something like thAt? Plus he already has a girlfriend and we saw her today.....Jackson don't focus on things like that! He won't he's just trying to mess with your head I promise you......

I didn't really know what to say at that point....

My heart was sinking.....

It hurts so bad but I can't show her that I'm this hurt just by the words he said to me.....

Jackson:okay.....Rem..... Have a goodnight

I said as I hugged goodbye to her with a smile.....

Rem: aw ok.....goodnight.....just don't do anything stupid ok?

She said with a bit of a laugh.....

Jackson: haha I won't don't you worry about me.....

Once she got off the car....

Jackson: because you won't see me anymore than today......

I said as she was walking to her door step......

She waved back at me.....and I waved back at her.....

Jackson: goodbye.......

She went inside her house than I drove the car and went home.....

I hurried and packed all of my things..... And wrote a note before I go.....

Then I went to the Apple Store to get a new phone.....

While their were getting me my new phone.... I got a text.....

And it was Rem.....

It said goodnight❤️😘

I was sad but I just replied her one last text before I go away from her life....

I texted her.....

Goodnight.....have sweet dreams....I love you.... Tomorrow go to my house whenever you feel like it the key will be on the doorknob...... I love you .....

Worker: sir here's your new phone....

Jackson: huh? Oh thanks.....

Worker: anything else I can help you with today sir?

Jackson: um...... Can you shut down my old phone.....

Worker: of course Sir....

Jackson: thanks.....

10 minutes later....

Worker : sir your phone is all shut down.....but before I did I saw a text saying....what do you think you're doing why are you writing a creepy message like you're going away or something..... Text me back!!!

I just looked down....

Worker: sir I'm sorry I got into your privacy but it just seemed important....

Jackson: it is but.....

Worker: but sir.... If it's something that's important to you don't let go of it...... You will regret it.....just like I did when I let go of the one that loves me the most and I loved her a a lot but.....back then I was just very stupid..... Please I'm telling you..... Go get her before it's too late.....

When the worker in the store said that that really stuck to my heart.....

What am I gonna do.....am I worrying her that much....was that right for me to send that text to her? I can't let her hurt but this is for her future happiness....I have to let her go..... Even thought it hurts so much.....

Jackson: thanks but I have to go....

I left.....tears just started dropping like crazy of my cheeks.....I can't believe it bu I have to do it no matter what..... It's for her happiness...

With the words that Jimin said it really got to me no matter how bad I don't want it to effect me it just does..... He's been with her for a very longtime and now I guess he really does know how she feels.... No matter what happens I will always wish them a happy life and hopefully one together..... If I sacrifice the one I love for Jimin than they should be together now matter what.... If they aren't I will beat the shit out of Jimin......


I went to his house the next day.... To see what was going on.....

The keys were in the doorknob just like he said.... I unlocked the door and went inside....

Everything was gone.... All of his clothes were gone everything!

Then I went into the kitchen and there was a note on the table saying.....

Rem.....open it.....

So I opened it and started reading it....

So.... You must be wondering why the house is so messy and where did all of my clothes go huh? Well.....first of all thank you for everything..... You've taught me how to love properly.... And how to get through hard things without running away from the situation..... First I love you.....but I......left......mian.......

To be continued!!!!!!

Keep reading guys!!!

Remember Me? ~ Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now