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I couldn't believe who I was looking at right now.....the person that I had been crying for and been missing......

???: " Rem" I just walked away fast enough.....

Then that person chased me....

???: Wait! I have somethings to explain!!! Wait!!!

I didn't want to hear it.... I just keep running away from him....

Then I saw Jackson and quickly ran to him.....

Jackson: Why are you running?

I couldn't talk at all... I was too out of breath.....

Then that person came up to us......

Jackson: Jimin?!

Jimin: Rem.... I need to explain everything to you.....

Rem: I have nothing to say to you...so please just go like you did last time becuz that didn't seem to hurt you..... So why should you only care now.....

Jimin: I know I understand how you're feeling but you have to understand that I never wanted to leave you or hurt you.....can I please just talk to you for a while.......

Rem: Sorry we have to go....

Jimin: We?

Rem: " Yes we....." Then I pulled Jackson by his hand and we both walked away from him.....

Jimin POV:

I was so confused.....

When she had said we and went away with Jackson..... The only question in my head was are they dating? Why wouldn't she wait for me? I missed her so much but yet she just left I wanted to explain everything to her......but she just didn't give me the chance so I decided to go home....

I went to Jungkook.....

I knocked on the door and Jungkook opened it.....

Jungkook: Hey hyung what are you doing here?

Jimin: I just came by...

Jungkook: Come in...

Jimin: Umm no it's ok..... I just have one question to ask you....

Jungkook: Ok what is it hyung?

Jimin: Are Jackson and Rem dating?

Jungkook: What?

Jimin: Are they dating?

Jungkook: I think so.....

Jimin: Why didn't you tell me?

Jungkook: Because I didn't want you to be sad when you were going to come back.....

Jimin: You should've told me then I wouldn't have come back!

Jungkook: Hyung! That's exactly what I was afraid of! I was trying to protect you from being hurt!

Jimin: And you don't think I'm hurting now?

Jungkook: Hyung mianhe.....

Jimin: It's a little too late for that isn't it?!

Jungkook: Hyung please forgive me..... I'm sorry....

Jimin: I was wanting to come back for her waiting for me not her dating another guy and hating me! I want to be with her!! Do you think I can now? When someone else has her heart?!

Jungkook: Hyung.....

Jimin: Forget about it in not coming back! And you can't make me stay so just stay out of it!

Then I left.....

Tears stared coming down my cheeks..... Why does she have to do this? I love her..... I know I shouldn't have left her but I was too hurt and I just needed a little bit of time.....

So then I decided to go and look for her and Jackson hoping that she would be alone and that I could be talking to her....

I looked at her house and the lights were on I was about to ring the door bell.... Until I saw Jackson.....

Rem POV:

We went home and decided to eat....

Jackson: So?

Rem: So?

Jackson: What was that with Jimin?

Rem: I don't know....

Jackson: I know you know something....

Rem: "Fine..... I dated him before you came back and he left me so I can't forgive him anymore...." I said looking down not wanting. To make eye contact with Jackson...

Then he came closer to me and hugged me I hugged him back....

Jackson: "You have me I'll always be here for you...." I smiled

Rem: Thank you.....

Then I looked at Jackson then I saw someone's figure in the window.... And that person left as soon as I saw their figure then I quickly got up.... And I ran to door and opened it....
Before that person could leave

Rem: Stop! Turn around!

That person turned around.....

I was so shocked....

Rem: Jimin? Again?

Jimin: Yea.....I wanted to talk to you but...... Never mind it's not worth it anymore.....

Rem: What did you want to say?

Jimin: Nothing..... I already told you....

Rem: Jimin! I'm serious!

Jimin: " Why do you have to know anything?! When you didn't even wait for me? When I told you I was going to come back?! I thought you were going to wait! If I had known that you would've never waited for me then I wouldn't have come back!" He said as tears came down his cheeks.... I felt bad....

Jimin: " Forget it.... I don't want to see you anymore.....don't talk to me or don't look for me again....." He was about to leave...

Rem: .......

To be continued...

Remember Me? ~ Jimin FFWhere stories live. Discover now