-Chapter 12-

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    I wake up to headlights flashing in through the windows. The windows in here don't have curtains. I guess they're too many of them... what's the point right? I see Rachel. She's all cuddled up with her head against my chest. It's still dark out, we both fell asleep on the couch.
   I decide to pick Rachel up, my hands under her knees and one supporting her neck and make my way upstairs. She seems half awake now... I didn't mean to wake her at all. I walk into her room and set her down on her bed. I cover her in her duvet and begin to walk out.
  But before I reach the doorway I hear her mumbling.
Rachel: Jack...

I walk over to her again.

Jack: Yeah.

Rachel: Don't go.

I then walk closer to her and kiss her on the forehead then lay next to her. She wakes up a little more as I stroke her hair and try to make her fall back to sleep.


My eyes slowly open and I find myself in Rachel's room but with no Rachel. I then make my way downstairs to see where everyone else is.

yikes... I slept in pretty late. This usually never happens.

Luke: Morning sleepy head.

Jack: Moring.

Daniel: So... did anything happen last night?

Jack: I don't know... did it?

  Daniel did the whole eyebrow thing again... and can I just say... he has some pretty nice eyebrows.

   I see bright flashing lights of red and white reflect into our house. I look to the left and see fire trucks lined up along the side of the road. We immediately run downstairs and out the front door. We stand in front of the gate, being the curious teenagers that we are.
   It seems that the house across from us has caught on fire.... No sign of anyone or anything but smoke and flames along with the firemen trying to make it all stop. The flames begin to roar even more and I can just imagine what started it.
   We remain standing there for a while until we see some sign of life. I see a fireman wheeling out a gurney from the house, there was someone on it. He had black ash all over his face.I squinted my eyes and walked a little closer to the gate, trying to see him in more detail and can I just say it blew my mind when I looked closer...
  It looks to be Zach.

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