Chapter Three: Protect

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Unlike my dear friend, I like walking out the door. But then again, I wasn't ordered to kill; at least, not anymore since Eames and I took care of the pests back in Sydney. I take pleasure in opportune times where I get to act and dress like a lady. It wasn't every day I'd get to dress myself up in something flowy and white. However, today I had business to attend to, more so Cobb's business. What kind of friend would I be if I left him without back-up? Besides, some of Cobol's troops weren't exactly the run-of-the-mill soldiers you hire from craigslist.

Who was I kidding? God knows I've been longing for something to happen these past few days. The first couple of days of vacation was a God send. But staying in one place, doing nothing but eat, rest, gamble, drink, and repeat, got boring for me. The only reason I got through more than a week was probably because of Eames. I do love our occasional wrestle every once in a while. Wouldn't call ourselves a couple per se, more of friends who fool around when wanted. I didn't like things complicated.

I left Eames at the bar, wouldn't want him to waste a good scotch I ordered. That, plus I may have left him tied on the chair. He was going on and on about how I should stay like some helpless girl, while he goes and help Cobb. That got me ticked. I'd say it was an accident to leave him behind, but pulling him down on the chair, his suit jacket pulled off up to his elbow, then tied behind his back didn't really scream 'accident'. I was pretty sure someone from upstairs would pull him free later on, I just needed enough time to move. I gave a kiss on his nose for good measure, to maybe dial his anger down a bit when he sees me again later. Right now, I had to worry on catching up.

As I walked out through the front door, I saw a man lay unconscious near my feet. Judging from the clothes and gun on his holster, I'd say he worked for Cobol. The badge on his I.D. was sort of a dead giveaway, too. From the way his body lay down on the floor, I'd say Cobb went through the market, leaving behind a trail of mess with angry merchants complaining on. I sighed. With the size of the crowd forming in the busy street, I may not catch up to Cobb. I tried to look for a small alley, somewhere I could squeeze myself in to. I turned to the right, and there hiding beneath a tarp, I saw a bike.

I, for one, am not fond of riding bikes. I can ride them, yes, but the driving part was hard for me, for any vehicle actually. I was pretty sure they made the 'All woman can't drive' saying based on myself. Desperate times however got me hotwiring the bike. I rode it through the small alley, away from the busy street, taking special care on keeping my balance. In my defense, wearing a white dress on heels while riding this contraption was something no man would ever experience. After putting some distance from the hotel, I find myself getting the hang of it. It was pretty easy actually if you-

Damn it. I guess it's not that easy considering I just ran over a man. That, and I flew none-so-gracefully off the bike. A few scratches here and there, wouldn't say the same for the man I ran over though. I approached the man on the floor, from the looks of it, he was merely unconscious.

"Cleo?!" I turned around, I'd know that voice anywhere. But, instead of annoying him with a warm hello and how do you do, Cobb quite literally pulled me away from the raining gunshots that followed him. I recovered quickly from the shock as I pulled my weight, running now side by side with Cobb in the small alley. With the alley clear of anything, it was hard to dodge the bullets; I felt one of it graze my waist, a small cut on my beautiful dress. Now that got me angry.

I was done running. I felt adrenaline course through me, everything in slow motion. I pulled my guns off my thigh holster, stopped on my tracks, and turned around. So far there were four. Four fucktards who ruined my dress. With precision, I pulled the trigger on the closest one, straight through his carotid artery. I shifted my weight some, pulled the trigger on the second to his femoral, and on to the third to his jugular.

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