33. Family Or Love?

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"For a girl, nothing is above her own family"

33. Family Or Love?

THE DAYS PASSED by in a blur and as each day passed Shreya and Aarav's love grew more stronger. It had been a month since she had finally revealed her past to him. His love slowly healing her, moulding her, bringing back her lost soul.

Shreya woke up to the sound of the ringing of her phone. She groaned and swiped the green option without glancing at the caller ID as she answered the call.

"Hello Di?"

Listening to a very familiar voice, Shreya woke up with a jerk.


Her heart was thumping in her chest as she heard Saloni's voice after ages.


"How are you baby?", Shreya asked sitting up.

"I am fine, Di. It's just that... Dad is getting me married"

"He is getting you WHAT???", Shreya almost yelled not believing what she had just heard. Hoping it was just a dream or perhaps a nightmare.

"Yeah Di. He is searching for a groom and a guy is coming to see me today so I kinda thought you and jiju should come here... I really need you, Di"

The crack in Saloni's voice didn't go unnoticed by Shreya. What was her Dad upto? She was just 20 soon to be 21 but still she was young. Why were her parents doing this to her little one?

"At what time they are coming?", Shreya asked.

"At four"

"Okay, I and your Jiju will be there. Don't worry and take care baby"

Shreya ended the call and looked at Aarav. She shook him whilst he ignored her burying his head in the pillow.

"Aarav! Wake up! I need to talk to you!", Shreya said shaking him.

"Shrey... please let me sleep", Aarav groaned.

"Its 12 pm Aarav! Get up!", Shreya said hitting him with the pillow.

What in the name of Lord was wrong with his wife?, Aarav thought as he got hit by the not so dangerous weapon.

"God damn it wifey! How many times should I tell you that these pillows don't hurt a muscular man like me?", Aarav asked as his hand snaked her slender waist pulling his angry wife towards him.

"And how many times should I ask you to wake up?", Shreya said glaring at him.

"Now what was so important that you decided to break my precious sleep?", Aarav asked arching his eyebrow.

"Precious?", she scoffed and continued, "You do know that you slept at 11pm yesterday, right?"

"And did you forget that yesterday because of thundering someone was waking me up constantly?", Aarav asked with a sly smile.

"Now you blame me? You know what? Next time maybe I will go to another man when I am scared because my husband here doesn't give two shit about me", Shreya said pulling away from him.

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