30. Two Bodies One Soul

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"Ye laal ishq, ye malaal ishq
Ye aib ishq, ye bair ishq"

30. Two Bodies One Soul

AARAV KNEELED IN front of Shreya and cupped her face. He kissed all the tears which had made their way down her cheeks.

He kissed both her eyes so slowly as if he was scared she would push him away. He kissed her cheeks and then her nose. He kissed her temple and Shreya opened her eyes slowly. Her chocolate brown eyes stared into his charcoal black eyes.

He gently caressed her cheeks with her thumb and whispered "I love you". He kept repeating it as a chant as if he was trying to tell her no matter what he would always love her. Shreya hugged him as he sat down in Indian style and hugged her back.

They stayed in the same position for few minutes as they enjoyed the moment staying in each others arms.

"Shrey...", Aarav whispered softly tucking her hair behind her ear.

She pulled away from his embrace and gazed at him.

"As much as I love you being in my arms, I need to freshen up", He said pecking her nose.

Shreya's cheeks heated up but she composed herself quickly, "Go and shower till then I will heat the food" She leaned to kiss him on his cheek but he turned his face and her lips touched his lips accidentally.

"I need to shower first before I do something I may regret", Aarav muttered.

"Aarav, who was your first kiss?", Shreya asked curiously.

"If I say it was you, you won't laugh right?", Aarav asked shyly.

"No", Shreya said hoping his answer would be you.

"Well, you were my first kiss", Aarav said rubbing the back of his neck.

"You mean the day before you left Hyderabad...", Shreya trailed.

"Yeah that day", Aarav confirmed.

Shreya pressed her lips against his but this time, it wasn't accidental. It was not just a peck but it was so much more than it. Shreya poured her love and affection in it as their lips moved against each other in sync pouring their love in it.

Shreya pulled away pressing her head against his head with a soft smile playing on her lips.

"That was intense, wifey", Aarav said chuckling softly.

"Go and shower. You smell nasty", Shreya teased scrunching her nose.

"Oh? Now I smell nasty? When you were hugging me, I wasn't smelling nasty?", Aarav asked tickling her.

"Oh no! Aarav! I'm ticklish! Stop!", Shreya screamed in between her giggles as Aarav continued to tickle her with a huge grin on his face.

"Wifey, that's the whole purpose of tickling. If you ain't ticklish, what is the use?", Aarav said as he tickled her.

"Okay okay stop! Please",


"Urgh! What should I do to make you stop?"

"Say I am the hottest and sexiest person in the world and that I don't smell nasty", Aarav said grinning.

Shreya looked at him with wide eyes.

Was he for real? Was he really going to make her say that? But heck! Who was she kidding? It wasn't a lie that he was utterly hot and sexy with a boyish charm in him. Any girl would drool over him and give her heart away to him yet he was here standing right in front of her, showering immense love on her and not some other girl, looking at her like she was the most beautiful woman in the world, loving her soul and heart not her body.

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