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Ten years later.

"AARAV! GET THE kids in the car, I will be downstairs in two minutes", Shreya yelled as she packed the kids bag and took her phone.

They had settled in London after the twins had turned three. Shreya had taken over Rajeev's company since she was the only heir of his family. So far she was doing well with her job. Aanchal and Neil lived along with Forum and Samar in the house besides them whereas Rishabh and Saloni, Shaurya and Sophia lived with Shreya and Aarav. Jai and Diksha lived besides Aanchal and Neil.

"Shreya! Have you taken everything? Like the kids toys?", Sophia asked.

"Yeah I have taken. Honestly they have their toys in mansion too yet I don't understand why they make us carry all this stuff", Shreya huffed.

"Massi maa! I want chocolate", Ziya, Rishabh and Saloni's daughter said.

"Zee! You have already eaten two chocolates! How many more do you want?", Saloni scolded the five year old girl.

"Did I hear someone saying chocolate?", Priyank, Shaurya and Sophia's elder son asked.

"Even I want cookies!", Kunal, Aarav and Shreya's son yelled.

"Duffer! They are talking about chocolates not cookies!", Natasha, Shaurya and Sophia's daughter snickered.

"Tasha! Don't call him duffer!", Yash warned the four year old.

"Mommy! I want cookies!", Kunal whined.

"Even I want cookies mami!", Kiara, Aanchal and Neil's daughter said.

"Mom! When are you....", Alisha stopped as she saw all her siblings crowded around her mom.

"Kunal! Kia! In the car!", Alisha yelled.

"But Al! My cookies..."

"Kunal, get in the car or else I will eat all your cookies!", Alisha warned.

Kunal and Kiara huffed in annoyance.

"Serves you right K!", Natasha said snickering.

"Tasha...", Sophia warned.

"Sorry Mom", Natasha mumbled.

"Now all three of you go and sit in one of the cars", Shreya said

"C'mon, let's see who reaches the car first", Priyank said and the trio ran outside along with Priyank.

"Zee, do you need an invitation?", Alisha asked.

"Al, this isn't way you talk to your cousin. Apologize", Shreya said sternly.

"Alright! I am sorry! Just get inside the car and stop driving others crazy", Alisha said irritated.

Ziya was about to reply her but Saloni's death glare was enough to shut her up. She ran outside joining her other siblings.

"What's wrong, Al? Why are you so irritated honey?", Shreya asked hugging her daughter.

"Ellie, Mom", Alisha mumbled.

"What do you mean?", Shreya asked.

"She has called her friends to the mansion!", Alisha groaned.

"Then you call yours", Shreya said simply.

"Really?", Alisha asked her eyes twinkling.

"Yes baby", Shreya said kissing her forehead "if you want I will ask Grandpa to sent a car to pick your friends up"

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